Resolution: GPSA R2: Resolution Establishing a Vice President for Strategy and a Vice President for Administration on the Executive Committee

ActionConveyed to the President


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Dear President Pollack:
I hope this email finds you well.  I am looking forward to the upcoming socials, both for the UA and for the GPSA.  Let’s hope for good weather.
I want to convey to you GPSA Resolution 2 – Resolution Establishing a Vice President for Strategy and a Vice President for Administration on the Executive Committee for your consideration and approval.  As you know, we discussed this during our meeting in June.  We currently have the smallest board of our peer schools, but we are far from the smallest graduate and professional student body.  That places a great strain on the current Executive Committee and is the impetus for this resolution.
Resolution 2 passed 20-2-2.
Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you.
With the utmost respect,
James A. Rowe, MBA, MPA
President, Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GPSA)
Mobile: (804) 824-4683