
Please see Issue Resolution Decision Tree (prepared by the EA)  as well.

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Archive Website (History and Records of the Assemblies from 2006-2016)*

*Prior years' history in bound printed volumes, available for review in the Office of the Assemblies, 109 Day Hall, during regular business hours.

Assembly Name: University Assembly

Res. No. Resolution Status Abstract Last Updated Assembly Name Term
6 Recognition of Outstanding Support to the AY 2019 Legislative Session Acknowledged by the President This resolution seeks to recognize the work of the University Assembly during the Academic Year 2018-19. Further, the resolution also recognizes the Assembly's committees and committee members, University officials and presenters that testify before the Assembly or its Standing Committees each year, and other staff and personnel that support the Assembly. 05/07/2019 3:00pm University Assembly AY 2018-2019
5 U.A. Resolution #5 Creating an Ad Hoc Budget Planning Advisory Committee Acknowledged by the President This resolution seeks to create an Ad Hoc Budget Planning Advisory Committee under the University Assembly. 04/23/2019 6:30pm University Assembly AY 2018-2019
4 U.A. Resolution # 4 Appointment of University Hearing Board and University Review Board Members for Academic Year 2019-2020 Submitted to the President This resolution, reviewed by the Codes and Judicial Committee of the University Assembly, seeks to appoint students, staff, and faculty members to the University's Hearing and Review Boards. 04/23/2019 6:30pm University Assembly AY 2018-2019
3 U.A. Resolution #3 Examining the Need to Augment the Cornell Childcare Facility Acknowledged by the President This resolution calls on the University Administration to investigate the viability of expanding the Cornell University Child Care Center 03/05/2019 3:15pm University Assembly AY 2018-2019
2 U.A. Resolution # 2 Expressing Appreciation and Best Wishes for CUPD Chief Kathy Zoner Acknowledged by the President This resolution conveys the members of the University Assembly's genuine appreciation for Kathy Zoner’s service to the University and leadership of the Cornell University Police Department over the past decade. 02/19/2019 1:30pm University Assembly AY 2018-2019
1 Appointment of University Hearing Board and University Review Board Members for Academic Year 2018-2019 Acknowledged by the President Appointment of University Hearing Board and University Review Board Members for Academic Year 2018-2019 09/04/2018 10:15am University Assembly AY 2018-2019