
Please see Issue Resolution Decision Tree (prepared by the EA)  as well.

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Archive Website (History and Records of the Assemblies from 2006-2016)*

*Prior years' history in bound printed volumes, available for review in the Office of the Assemblies, 109 Day Hall, during regular business hours.

Assembly Name: Employee Assembly

Res. No. Resolution Status Abstract Last Updated Assembly Name Term
5 In Recognition and Appreciation of Nancy Doolittle Submitted to the President On the occasion of Pawprint editor Nancy Doolittle’s retirement, the Employee Assembly celebrates her long career and contributions to the staff community at Cornell. 05/08/2019 2:15pm Employee Assembly AY 2018-2019
4 Addition of At-Large Seats for 2019-2020 Term Accepted by the President This resolution increases the number of voting members of the assembly to 30 (an increase of two seats) for the 2019-2020 assembly term. 04/03/2019 2:00pm Employee Assembly AY 2018-2019
3 Transfer of Representation for CU Academic Titleholders Submitted to the President This resolution is a formal endorsement by the Employee Assembly to declare its support with the formal recommendations from the Committee on Academic Titleholder Representation (Appendix) in shared governance at the university. 12/05/2018 11:15am Employee Assembly AY 2018-2019
2 Consolidation of Committees on a Trial Basis Acknowledged by the President By reducing the number of committees, the Assembly will be able to more fully staff its committees, resulting in increased staff participation and focused efficiencies. 09/14/2018 12:45pm Employee Assembly AY 2018-2019
1 Approval of the 2018-2019 Operating Budget Acknowledged by the President This is the operating budget for the EA 2018-2019 legislative session. 09/20/2018 10:30am Employee Assembly AY 2018-2019