Resources - Physical and Mental Health

Cornell Health: Physical and mental health services and resources on a large variety of health-related topics.

FSAP (Faculty, Staff Assistance Program): FSAP's professional staff offers free and confidential guidance and support to benefits-eligible employees and their partners to address issues that may be affecting their personal lives and/or job satisfaction or performance. The FSAP is part of Cornell's broad commitment to foster and support the mental health and well-being of the campus community.

CMM (Cornell Minds Matter): Cornell Minds Matter promotes the overall mental and emotional health of all Cornell students, works to reduce the stigma of mental illness, and holds events open to the entire Cornell community that fosters a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

EARS (Empathy, Assistance & Referral Service): EARS provides training, workshops, and outreach to promote mental health, well-being, and help-seeking among the Cornell campus community. EARS is transitioning to a different model and is no longer providing direct support to students through peer counseling. (You can learn more about the changes to EARS in this Chronicle story.)

CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services): The mission of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is to provide crisis intervention, brief counseling, outpatient psychiatric care, outreach, and referral services to Cornell University students.

Bystander Initiatives (expansion of Notice and Respond): We all have a role in our caring community. Please reach out to help others in distress. ​

Let’s Talk: "Let's Talk" is a program that provides easy access to informal confidential consultations with counselors from Gannett Health Services. Counselors hold walk-in hours at sites around campus Monday through Friday during the semester. 

Suicide Prevention and Crisis Center: (607) 272-1616. SPCS is a community agency that offers a free, confidential, 24-hour telephone hot-line service.