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Cornell University

University Assembly Committees

Committee Description Accepting Applications?
Campus Codes Committee

By delegation from the University Assembly, the Campus Codes Committee will review any proposed motion related to:

  • The Student Code of Conduct; and
  • Solicitation of applications from interested faculty, students and staff for service on the University Hearing and Review Boards as specified in section “II C” of the Cornell Student Code of Conduct Procedures; and
  • Issues involving academic freedom and freedom of speech for all members of the Cornell University community, including faculty, students, and staff on the Ithaca campus and those located outside the United States.

The Committee may propose, review, and amend resolutions as it deems appropriate. The Committee must approve resolutions referred for its consideration before they can be advanced to the Assembly for a vote and for debate.

Campus Committee on Infrastructure, Technology and the Environment

As reflected in UA Resolution 15: Amending the University Assembly Bylaws’ Title of the Standing ‘Campus Infrastructure Committee’ (CIC) (2020-2021 term), the renamed Campus Committee on Infrastructure, Technology and the Environment reviews and approves proposed motions related to: environmental impact and sustainability; information technology; transportation and commuter policies; and, any other topic deemed relevant to campus infrastructure by the University Assembly Executive Board.

Campus Planning Committee

The Campus Planning Committee (CPC) promotes comprehensive and clear planning processes in stewardship of Cornell University’s Ithaca campus. The Committee’s charge is to review and make recommendations to the President regarding physical planning for the campus, including master planning; land use and physical development; landscape and environmental planning and design; transportation planning, including circulation and parking; infrastructure; and new construction and renovations as they relate to the overall planning, character, and integrity of the physical plant. Among planning concerns that the CPC shall review and advocate on behalf of are public and open spaces; managed and natural lands; and shared facilities that benefit the overall campus community (identified in the 2008 Cornell Master Plan as ‘university’ or ‘enabling’ projects).  Furthermore, the CPC shall review in consultation with – and with the consultation of – the appropriate committees of the University Assembly, all plans for alterations of or additions to transportation systems on the Ithaca campus and all sustainability matters related to land and campus development. The CPC shall seek advice and comments from non-members, including Cornell and non-Cornell affiliates, while considering any specific issue or design.

The CPC strives to enhance communications, social inclusion, and accountability regarding physical planning and development of the Ithaca campus. The CPC shall consist of: four Presidential appointments, eight position appointments, and nine additional at-large members. The President of the University’s appointees serve three-year terms on a staggered basis. The position appointments or designees should be individuals with professional and technical expertise in a design or planning related field. These positions consist of the chairs of the following departments or their designees: Department of Architecture, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Landscape Architecture, Department of City and Regional Planning, and the Art Department as well as the directors of the following units or their designees: Cornell Plantations, Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, and the Vice President for Infrastructure, Properties, and Planning. The nine at-large members consist of one University Assembly liaison, two graduate/professional students, two undergraduate students, two employees, and two faculty members, each named by his or her respective Assembly for a two-year term. CPC meetings are open to people whose administrative positions at the University and their connection to planning at the University motivate their participation.

Campus Welfare Committee

The Committee reviews any proposed motions and university policies related to diversity and inclusion; family support; health services; and, any other topic deemed relevant to campus welfare by the University Assembly’s Executive Board.

Transportation Hearing and Appeals Board

The Transportation Hearing and Appeals Board (THAB) shall review decisions that have been denied in whole or in part by Transportation and Mail Services administrative staff on matters relating to violation appeals, requests for special parking grants for those claiming financial hardship, and exceptions to parking rules and regulations and/or normal permit eligibility criteria.
