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Cornell University


The Office of the Assemblies supports the Dean of Faculty in all of its faculty-wide elections. Faculty have five voting seats on the University Assembly and serve on its committees. More information is available about the Faculty-Elected Trustee, the election of the Dean of Faculty, and election of faculty representatives to University committees through the Office of the Dean of Faculty.


  • Faculty Senate

    The Faculty Senate is the governing body of the University Faculty. Constituency members are elected by the various schools and the academic departments within the colleges in Ithaca and Geneva, and nine members are elected at-large by the University Faculty. The president, dean of the faculty, associate dean and secretary of the faculty, and the two faculty trustees are voting members.

    The Office of Assemblies does not provide administrative support to the Faculty Senate, though it does provide support for its elections. All other support is provided by the Office of the Dean of Faculty.

    Find more information on Faculty Senate elections here.

    View Faculty Senate Elections