Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Resolutions
Displaying 1 - 25 of 255
Term | Resolution | Abstract | Status |
2024-2025 | GPSA R7: Revision of Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Bylaws | As the bylaws form the foundation of GPSAs governance process and guide members new and old through the intricacies of… | Adopted by the Assembly |
2024-2025 | GPSA R6: Response to the December 18th, 2024 CCEA Final Expressive Activity Recommendations | This resolution formalizes the GPSA’s response to the CCEA’s final Expressive Activity Policy recommendations as… | Acknowledged by the President |
2024-2025 | GPSA R5: GPSA R5: GPSA Recommendations on Cornell University's Disciplinary Actions Towards Graduate Student Worker Sriram Parasurama | The Graduate and Professional Student Assembly recommends halting disciplinary measures against Graduate Student Worker… | Acknowledged by the President |
2024-2025 | GPSA R4: GPSA R4: Recommendations Regarding the CCEA Expressive Activity Policy Draft | Abstract: This resolution formalizes the GPSA’s response to the CCEA regarding the Expressive Activity Policy draft… | Acknowledged by the President |
2024-2025 | GPSA R3: GPSA R3: A Resolution to Update the Student Organization Funding Process | This resolution amends the GPSAFC Funding Guidelines be current with the organization’s practices for review, approval… | Acknowledged by the President |
2024-2025 | GPSA R2: GPSA R2: GPSA FY25 Internal Budget | This resolution approves the Internal GPSA Budget | Acknowledged by the President |
2024-2025 | GPSA R1: GPSA R1: Joint Committee on Cornell University's Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG Policies | This resolution opens the GPSA to officially appoint at least one permanent GPSA representative to the soon to be… | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | GPSA R8: ESG recommendations on discussion of divestment from companies engaged in weapons manufacturing | The Ad Hoc Committee on Cornell University’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social and… | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | GPSA R7: Joint Committee on Cornell University's Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG Policies | This resolution opens the GPSA to officially appoint at least one permanent GPSA representative to the Ad Hoc Committee… | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | GPSA R6: Further GPSAFC Guidelines Amendment | This resolution in an amendment to exempt designated field groups from the minimum CampusGroups membership to maintain… | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | GPSA R5: GPSAFC Guidelines Amendment | Minor Amendment to the GPSAFC guidelines | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | GPSA R4: Recommendation for the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee for 2024-2026 | The GPSA, during the fall semester of odd-numbered years, through the authority delegated by the President of the… | Accepted by the President |
2023-2024 | GPSA R3: Solidarity with Cornell Graduate Students United | This resolution expresses the Graduate and Professional Students Assembly’s solidarity with fellow graduate student… | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | GPSA R2: FY24 Internal Budget | This resolution approves the internal GPSA budget. | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | GPSA R1: Amending GPSA Finance Commission Funding Guidelines to Align With Current Funding Protocol on Campus Groups | University funding organizations have reorganized to streamline the budget request and payment request process within… | Acknowledged by the President |
2022-2023 | GPSA R11: Commending Kate Carter-Cram | In her role as the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly President Kate Carter-Cram has served the Cornell… | Acknowledged by the President |
2022-2023 | GPSA R10: Commending Josh Washington | In his role as the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Executive Vice President Josh Washington has served the… | Acknowledged by the President |
2022-2023 | GPSA R9: Funding Request for the Big Red Barn | With such a large amount of funding in the GPSA reserve fund and the 2022-2023 operating budget, giving back to the… | Acknowledged by the President |
2022-2023 | GPSA R8: Amending the GPSA Finance Commission Summer Funding Deadlines | Existing GPSAFC funding deadlines limit the ability of student organizations to fund planned summer events. Rewriting… | Acknowledged by the President |
2022-2023 | GPSA R7: Dependable and Inclusive Supply of Pharmaceutical and Essential Non-Prescription Supplies | This resolution supports the creation of a pilot program through Cornell Health’s pharmacy for multi-unit vending… | Acknowledged by the President |
2022-2023 | GPSA R6: Retroactively Compensating GPSA Executive Members in Accordance with Resolution 3 (22-23) and Resolution 18 (21-22) | Resolution 3 (Amendments to Appendix B of the GPSA Charter) was passed in the fall of 2022 as a result of… |
Acknowledged by the President |
2022-2023 | GPSA R5: Commending the Service of Graduate and Professional Student Assembly President Preston Hanley | In his role as the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly president, Preston Hanley has served the Cornell… | Acknowledged by the President |
2022-2023 | GPSA R4: Requesting that the University Provide Funds for an MD Gynecologist at Cornell Health | The student health service at Cornell’s Ithaca campus, Cornell Health, does not currently have an MD gynecologist on… | Acknowledged by the President |
2022-2023 | GPSA R3: Amendments to Appendix B of the GPSA Charter | Following the passage of GPSA Resolution18 Financial Incentive for Executive Committee (2021-2022) suggestions… |
Acknowledged by the President |
2022-2023 | GPSA R2: Resolution Commending the Service of Graduate and Professional Student Trustee Liz Davis Frost | In her role as the Graduate and Professional Student Trustee, Liz Davis-Frost has served the Cornell community for the… | Acknowledged by the President |