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Cornell University

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Resolutions

Displaying 1 - 25 of 248
Term Resolution Abstract Status
2023-2024 GPSA R8: ESG recommendations on discussion of divestment from companies engaged in weapons manufacturing The Ad Hoc Committee on Cornell University’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social and… Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 GPSA R7: Joint Committee on Cornell University's Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG Policies This resolution opens the GPSA to officially appoint at least one permanent GPSA representative to the Ad Hoc Committee… Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 GPSA R6: Further GPSAFC Guidelines Amendment This resolution in an amendment to exempt designated field groups from the minimum CampusGroups membership to maintain… Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 GPSA R5: GPSAFC Guidelines Amendment Minor Amendment to the GPSAFC guidelines Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 GPSA R4: Recommendation for the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee for 2024-2026 The GPSA, during the fall semester of odd-numbered years, through the authority delegated by the President of the… Accepted by the President
2023-2024 GPSA R3: Solidarity with Cornell Graduate Students United This resolution expresses the Graduate and Professional Students Assembly’s solidarity with fellow graduate student… Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 GPSA R2: FY24 Internal Budget This resolution approves the internal GPSA budget. Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 GPSA R1: Amending GPSA Finance Commission Funding Guidelines to Align With Current Funding Protocol on Campus Groups University funding organizations have reorganized to streamline the budget request and payment request process within… Acknowledged by the President
2022-2023 GPSA R11: Commending Kate Carter-Cram In her role as the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly President Kate Carter-Cram has served the Cornell… Acknowledged by the President
2022-2023 GPSA R10: Commending Josh Washington In his role as the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Executive Vice President Josh Washington has served the… Acknowledged by the President
2022-2023 GPSA R9: Funding Request for the Big Red Barn With such a large amount of funding in the GPSA reserve fund and the 2022-2023 operating budget, giving back to the… Acknowledged by the President
2022-2023 GPSA R8: Amending the GPSA Finance Commission Summer Funding Deadlines Existing GPSAFC funding deadlines limit the ability of student organizations to fund planned summer events. Rewriting… Acknowledged by the President
2022-2023 GPSA R7: Dependable and Inclusive Supply of Pharmaceutical and Essential Non-Prescription Supplies This resolution supports the creation of a pilot program through Cornell Health’s pharmacy for multi-unit vending… Acknowledged by the President
2022-2023 GPSA R6: Retroactively Compensating GPSA Executive Members in Accordance with Resolution 3 (22-23) and Resolution 18 (21-22) Resolution 3 (Amendments to Appendix B of the GPSA Charter) was passed in the fall of
2022 as a result of…
Acknowledged by the President
2022-2023 GPSA R5: Commending the Service of Graduate and Professional Student Assembly President Preston Hanley In his role as the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly president, Preston Hanley has served the Cornell… Acknowledged by the President
2022-2023 GPSA R4: Requesting that the University Provide Funds for an MD Gynecologist at Cornell Health The student health service at Cornell’s Ithaca campus, Cornell Health, does not currently have an MD gynecologist on… Acknowledged by the President
2022-2023 GPSA R3: Amendments to Appendix B of the GPSA Charter Following the passage of GPSA Resolution18 Financial Incentive for Executive
Committee (2021-2022) suggestions…
Acknowledged by the President
2022-2023 GPSA R2: Resolution Commending the Service of Graduate and Professional Student Trustee Liz Davis Frost In her role as the Graduate and Professional Student Trustee, Liz Davis-Frost has served the Cornell community for the… Acknowledged by the President
2022-2023 GPSA R1: GPSA Internal Budget for the 2022-2023 Term This resolution establishes the GPSA Internal Budget for the 2022-2023 term. Acknowledged by the President
2021-2022 GPSA R18: Financial Incentive for Executive Committee In order to solidify the GPSA’s commitment to equitable participation in the shared governance model, this resolution… Returned by the President
2021-2022 GPSA R17: Amending GPSA Election Procedures This resolution seeks to provide the entire graduate and professional student community with the ability to participate… Accepted by the President
2021-2022 GPSA R16: Resolution 16: GPSA Reserve Fund Drawdown At the end of the GPSA year, all unused funds are transferred to a reserve fund. There is currently a substantial… Accepted by the President
2021-2022 GPSA R16: GPSA Reserve Fund Drawdown At the end of the GPSA year, all unused funds are transferred to a reserve fund. There is currently a substantial… Accepted by the President
2021-2022 GPSA R15: Increasing the Number of Sustainable Waste Receptacles on Campus In order to ensure Cornell University remains a clean, safe, environmentally sustainable, and ecologically compatible… Acknowledged by the President
2021-2022 GPSA R14: Support for Faculty Senate proposed Resolution: Inclusion and Prioritization of a New Natatorium in the 'Do the Greatest Good' Capital Campaign The current conditions of the pools at Cornell have left students, faculty, staff, and varsity athletic teams from… Adopted by the Assembly