Graduate and Professional Student Assembly

The Graduate and Professional Student Assembly ensures direct and continued involvement of graduate and professional school students in the governance of non-academic affairs of the University.
The GPSA brings together Cornell’s community of graduate and professional students to address non-academic issues of common concern. Drawing upon the strengths of its diverse community, the GPSA is responsible for setting and distributing the graduate student activity fee and representatives to University committees.
The GPSA voting member body is composed of 36 voting members including delegates from each graduate division, the graduate and professional schools, and standing committee chairpersons, elected from the larger body of field representatives. Voting members must attend all GPSA meetings (twice per month) and remain sufficiently informed about issues brought before the assembly.
Recent Resolutions
(Jan 27, 2025) GPSA R6: Response to the December 18th, 2024 CCEA Final Expressive Activity Recommendations
(Nov 26, 2024) GPSA R4: GPSA R4: Recommendations Regarding the CCEA Expressive Activity Policy Draft