Graduate and Professional Student Assembly - Resolution 6 (2024-2025)
Response to the December 18th, 2024 CCEA Final Expressive Activity Recommendations
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- Assembly:
- Status: Submitted to the President
This resolution formalizes the GPSA’s response to the CCEA’s final Expressive Activity Policy recommendations as released to the Cornell community on December 18th, 2024.
Whereas: The Cornell Committee on Expressive Activity [CCEA] was charged by former University President Martha Pollack with recommending changes to the University’s existing
policies governing expressive activity in 2023;
Whereas: On October 30th, 2024, the CCEA reported to the Cornell community with a draft
policy requesting feedback by December 9th, 2024 in order to finalize its recommendations in line with the University’s policy review process;
Whereas: On December 2nd the GPSA voted to advance a thorough review of the draft policy to President Kotlikoff and CCEA Chair Dean Barry;
Whereas: On December 18th, the CCEA released the final version of its Expressive Activity Policy recommendations to the Cornell community;
Whereas: The final CCEA recommendations include changes to policy points relating to masking, hate speech, and spontaneous protest;
Whereas: The CCEA published an accompanying memo invoking the legacies of Civil Rights
leaders including Henry David Thoreau, Mahatma Gandhi, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.;
Whereas: Rapid action is required to voice concerns before a final policy is adopted;
Be it therefore resolved: The GPSA adopts the following Statement Regarding the Final
Expressive Activity Policy Recommendations.
Be it therefore resolved the President of the GPSA is directed to send the adopted statement to the CCEA Chair Dean Barry immediately following the adjournment of the meeting to accommodate an accelerated timeline.
Be it finally resolved: The Graduate and Professional Student assembly formally disapproves
the final Expressive Activity Policy recommendation released on December 18th, 2024.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mohamed Z El-Walid
Emma K. Scales
Clarice Meffert – Voting Member
Srinica Hampi – Student Advocacy Committee Chair
Nicholas J. Brennan – Executive Vice President - Resolution File:
- Supporting Documents:
- Sponsors: Nicholas James Brennan (njb245), Clarice Meffert (ccm266), Srinica Hampi (sh2499)
- Reviewing Committee: Student Advocacy Committee
Action | Date |
Adopted by the Assembly | Jan 27, 2025 |
Conveyed to the President | Jan 27, 2025 |
No meetings are associated with this resolution.