Graduate and Professional Student Assembly - Resolution 4 (2024-2025)
GPSA R4: Recommendations Regarding the CCEA Expressive Activity Policy Draft
Acknowledged by the President
Abstract: This resolution formalizes the GPSA’s response to the CCEA regarding the Expressive Activity Policy draft released to the Cornell Community on October 30th, 2024.
Sponsored by: Nicholas J. Brennan, Executive Vice President,
Camron Luke Chappel, Social Sciences Representative,
Mohamed Z El-Walid,
Irene Gatimi, Master of Public Administration Representative,
Marguerite Pacheco,
Srinica Hampi, Student Advocacy Committee Chair,
Reviewed by Student Advocacy Committee 11/26/2024
Whereas: The Cornell Committee on Expressive Activity [CCEA] was charged by former University President Martha Pollack with recommending changes to the University’s existing policies governing expressive activity in 2023.
Whereas: On October 30th, 2024, the CCEA reported to the Cornell community with a draft policy requesting feedback by December 9th, 2024 in order to finalize its recommendations in line with the University’s policy review process.
Whereas: The GPSA Student Advocacy Committee has held three meetings on the topic of the Expressive Activity Policy draft since the Policy’s release to formalize the GPSA’s response to the draft policy on behalf of the graduate student community.
Whereas: members from the Cornell Graduate Student Union (CGSU) have been included and involved in contributing to the GPSA’s formalized response to the expressive activity policy draft.
Be it therefore resolved: The Statement on the Draft Expressive Activity Policy be adopted by the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly.
Be it therefore resolved: The GPSA recommends an expansion of graduate and undergraduate student representation on the CCEA beyond 5 of 19 committee seats.
Be it finally resolved: The Graduate and Professional Student assembly disapproves the Expressive Activity Policy October 30th, 2024 draft.
Respectfully Submitted,
Camron Luke Chappel - Social Sciences Representative
Mohamed Z El-Walid
Irene Gatimi – Master of Public Administration Representative
Marguerite Pacheco
Srinica Hampi – Student Advocacy Committee Chair
Nicholas J. Brennan – Executive Vice President
Resolution File:
Supporting Documents:
Camron Chappel (clc338), Nicholas James Brennan (njb245), Irene Gatimi (ig297), Srinica Hampi (sh2499)
Reviewing Committee:
Student Advocacy Committee