Graduate and Professional Student Assembly - Resolution 1 (2024-2025)
GPSA R1: Joint Committee on Cornell University's Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG Policies
Submitted to the President
This resolution opens the GPSA to officially appoint at least one permanent GPSA representative to the soon to be created Ad Hoc Committee on Cornell University's Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG Policies created by the Undergraduate Student Assembly.
Resolution 1: Joint Committee on Cornell University's Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG Policies
Sponsored by: Sowad Ocean Karim, President of GPSA
Reviewed by: Executive Committee, 09/05/2024
Whereas, the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GPSA) has a duty to engage in items of importance to the graduate and professional student body, and the University is of interest to the student body.
Whereas, the GPSA does not currently have direct input on investments, or active divestment, made by the University.
Whereas, the joint input of the GPSA and undergraduate Student Assembly (SA) carry more weight and a broader scope of student interest than either body acting independently.
Be it therefore resolved, the GPSA shall henceforth appoint a representative to the Ad Hoc Committee on Cornell University's Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG Policies as established by the SA.
Be it further resolved, that this resolution shall take effect upon the re-introduction of the Ad Hoc Committee on Cornell University's Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG Policies for this academic year.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sowad Ocean Karim
President, Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
Resolution File:
Supporting Documents:
Sowad Ocean Karim (sok27)
Reviewing Committee:
Executive Committee