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Cornell University

Ad Hoc Budget Planning Advisory Committee

This committee will coordinate with the Faculty Senate's Financial Policies Committee to broaden community engagement with the Administration on budgetary matters. It will operate during the AY2019-2020, and shall be chaired by the Dean of the University Faculty. Its membership will include one additional member from the University Assembly, two selected by the Student Assembly, two selected by the Graduate & Professional Student Assembly, and two selected by the Employee Assembly.

The committee is charged with drafting a layperson document entitled "The Cornell Budget: A Users Guide" to be completed by March 1, 2020, and shall make a recommendation to the UA by April 15th 2020 a structure for interacting with the FPC and the University Budget Office in the future.

  • Assembly:
  • Type:
  • Contact Email:
  • Eligible Constituencies: Faculty, Graduate/Professional Student, Staff, Undergraduate Student
  • Accepting Applications?


No members for the selected term.


No meetings for the selected term.