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Cornell University

New Member Profiles - Spring 2020 Election (reactivation)

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Representative

College of Human Ecology Representative

College of Veterinary Medicine Representative

Cornell Tech Campus Representative

Graduate School, Law School, and Johnson School Representative

School of Hotel Administration Representative

School of Industrial & Labor Relations Representative

Division of Alumni Affairs and Development Representative

Division of Student and Campus Life Representative

Division of University Relations Representative

Exempt Employee Representative At-Large

Facilities and Campus Services Representative (formerly IPP)

Less than 5 Years of Service Representative At-Large

LGBTQ+ Representative At-Large

Non-Exempt Employee Representative At-Large

Research, Technology Transfer & Information Technology Representative At-Large

Veteran's Representative At-Large

Women's Representative At-Large

Katlyn Wilcox kew229 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Representative   I started my career at Cornell in 2014. I have held a few different roles during that time beginning at the College of Veterinary Medicine and then moving to Alumni Affairs and Development. This has given me experience on both the endowed and contract sides of the college. Before coming to Cornell, I was an active member of my union as well as holding the president position for some time. This experience provides me with what I feel I would need to be an active and effective member of the Employee Assembly. I listen actively and will represent CALS and its employees to the best of my ability. I am passionate about Cornell and CALS and would love to be considered to represent our college on the Employee Assembly.
Kristine Mahoney km285 College of Human Ecology Representative   I have been the Director of Facilities for the College of Human Ecology for over 18 years and feel a strong sense of commitment and dedication to the CHE Community.  In 2016, I was elected as the EA Representative for the College. In 2017, in alignment with my work responsibilities and interests, I was elected to chair the EA Transportation Taskforce which worked in strong partnership with Transportation Services to elevate and address issues and concerns of the employee body regarding parking and other elements of the transportation system.  In 2019, I accepted the responsibility to chair the Employee Welfare Committee. While we have remained in strong and active partnership with Transportation Services, our committee has expanded our collaboration with the Office of Work/Life to advance initiatives associated with employee wellness at a broader level.  I appreciate the opportunity the EA has provided me to represent the staff of CHE and to develop a strong partnership with Transportation Services and the Office of Work/Life for the past 4 years.  I would be honored to continue this service for upcoming term.  Thank you for considering my candidacy.  
Jackie Creque joc22 College of Veterinary Medicine Representative   I have worked at Cornell for almost 10 years and joined the staff at CVM 4 years ago.  I started as the Conference/Academic Program Coordinator in Biomedical Sciences and became the Assistant to the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education 1 year ago.  I enjoy bringing people together and have run multiple events for the CVM Community including a bake-off benefit for wildlife rescue in Australia and a holiday escape room to benefit the Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes.  I actively participate in multiple staff-focused groups including the Staff Council and have been representing CVM in the EA since last fall.  I have come to really appreciate the role that the EA plays in voicing the concerns of staff to leadership and communicating valuable information from leadership to staff.  I have learned a lot in my short time in the EA and would love to continue to serve the CVM staff in this capacity.  
Marin Cherry mec345 Cornell Tech Campus Representative   Over the last 8 years, I've worn several hats within Cornell University - full time graduate student, temporary staff, full time staff in CALS, and now staff at Cornell Tech. I've had the privilege to see the our University from several perspectives, seeing both our consistent excellence and those areas where we are continuing to grow.   Cornell Tech is incredibly unique within the larger Cornell community, with programs and initiatives that are innovative, driven to address needs rooted in the unique context of NYC. Our staff community at Cornell Tech is an amazing group of people, and one that will bring a new voice within the Employee Assembly. We are unique as our campus is unique, with distinctive concerns and needs, interwoven in NYC, and we are expanding what it means to be a Cornellian.   I believe that I would be an excellent Cornell Tech campus representative because of my background across the Ithaca and Cornell Tech campuses, and and my commitment to ensuring that Cornell Tech has "a place at the table" within the broader Cornell staff conversations happening every day.  
Karen LoParco kl285 Graduate School, Law School, and Johnson School Representative   I am Karen Michelle LoParco and I am seeking re-election for the Graduate School, Law Schoool, and Johnson School Representative on the Employee Assembly (EA). I have held this position for the past term as well as the Parliamentarian position on the Executive Committee. My role at the Law School is in events coordination and due to the pandemic, I have been assisting other departments as needed. During my tenure on the EA, we have worked very hard to listen to our constituents and work with the administrators on addressing your concerns. Several resolutions have passed out of our committees for President Pollack to review. One important resolution from the Benefits Policy Committee sought to have the Funeral Leave (bereavement) policy adapted to be more inclusive of the modern family. We are grateful that President Pollack approved that portion of our resolution. This experience has shown me that shared governance is important for a healthy work environment. The Staff Forums have also quantified the high level of engagement with staff across campus and the importance of the collective voice to our administrators. The EA is your voice and I would like to continue this work as your representative. Thank you for your support!  
Jamie Duong jd239 School of Hotel Administration Representative   When I joined the Employee Assembly in November of 2019, I could never have imagined the radical disruption our campus, our region and the world would experience this spring. Despite the dramatic impacts COVID-19 has had I am proud of the work we did on behalf of all Cornell staff and hope to continue representing the staff who support the School of Hotel Administration.    While Cornell prepares for a return to campus it is more important than ever that Employee voices are heard and considered in the University decision making process. Staff are vital to Cornell’s continued success, and critical to our faculty and student achievements. Without the staff there can be no University.   If I am fortunate enough to be elected to serve another term representing the Hotel School staff I will keep listening to staff and relay any questions and concerns they might have through the available channels.   
Michelle Podolec mls266 School of Industrial & Labor Relations Representative   I am a project coordinator at the Yang-Tan Institute for Employment and Disability in the ILR School, and a co-chair of the ILR Staff Association Personnel Policies Committee. I have worked for Cornell University since 2010 in CALS and ILR. I have previously served as a member of the Employee Assembly Transportation Committee. I enjoyed working with the committee to understand and represent commuting staff’s needs. If elected, I look forward to meeting with ILR staff to explore ideas and concerns, and to providing the ILR Staff perspective to the Employee Assembly.  
Lisa Zacharias lmp59 Division of Alumni Affairs and Development Representative   I am a hard working, motivated and enthusiastic Administrative Assistant with 15 years experience here at Cornell.   I always strive to achieve the highest standard possible, at any given task and in any situation.  I am accustomed to working in a challenging and fast-paced environment, particularly when dealing with multiple projects and priorities at the same time.   I'm seeking election to advocate for the division of Alumni Affairs and Development.  
Brandon Fortenberry bf52 Division of Student and Campus Life Representative   As an employee of Cornell University for over 14 years I have been fortunate to benefit from so many opportunities provide to me by Cornell. I started my career in Cornell as a member of the UAW Union in the SO04 Cook position at 104 West, and have worked my way up to my current position as Director of Catering & Concessions.   I must thank Cornell University along with my peers and supervisors for the support I received in getting the training and experience I needed to be able to reach this position. It is for that reason that I am running to represent SCL on the Employee Assembly.   In my position I am blessed with the opportunity to interact with the entire SCL division, and am confident that I am uniquely qualified to represent not just the division of Student and Campus Life Enterprise Services, but the entire SCL division at large. I hope to ensure the the Employee Assembly appropriately takes into consideration the tools and resources needed in SCL to achieve the goals of our division while ensuring that employees are able to find the necessary work/life balance in that success.  
Kate Supron kds95 Division of University Relations Representative   I am running for reelection as the Employee Assembly Representative for the Division of University Relations.    In my initial two-year term, I’ve served on the EA’s Welfare Committee and on the Transportation task force. These groups, in conjunction with the full EA, have worked with staff colleagues to address topics related to transportation, wellness and wellbeing, work-life balance and inclement weather. We also review and share resources available to staff through Human Resources, such as the CARE fund and Faculty Staff Assistance Program.   The EA partnered with the Division of Human Resources in 2018-2019 to sponsor a series of informal Staff Conversations and worked with HR to synthesize key points to help guide the EA’s priorities moving forward.    During the COVID-19 pandemic the EA has supported transparency and served as a conduit for staff concerns. The EA and HR initiated the 2020 staff forum series to facilitate communication between staff and senior leadership as we all move through this unprecedented and ongoing period of change.   I am honored to participate in Cornell’s shared governance system on behalf of my divisional colleagues and would welcome the opportunity to continue serving you.  
Hei Hei Depew hhc48 Exempt Employee Representative At-Large   I've been on the EA for three years, in that time I've been fortunate enough to meet great staff members across campus, work on issues concerning the staff and learn a lot about the University. I hope to continue learning and working to represent staff members. I think the EA is a great platform to engage with the Cornell Community in a productive and informative way. I want to continue the work and continue to learn.  
Brian Goodell btg2 Facilities and Campus Services Representative (formerly IPP)   Hi, I am Brian Goodell and I would like to be your voice on the Employee Assembly. I feel that I bring a unique perspective to the Employee Assembly because of my vast array of experience that I have acquired during my 30+ years at Cornell. I have always been an advocate for my fellow Cornell employees, and have served on the Employee Assembly and the University Assembly in the past. I served as the UAW 2300 President from 2001-2004, where I fought for better working conditions for my constituents. I returned to the Employee Assembly this past year where I was elected by my peers on the Employee Assembly as the current chair of the Benefits and Policies Committee.   While serving as the chair of this committee I am happy to report that we were successful at passing resolutions that updated the Funeral Leave Policy to add a more inclusive definition of “Family”, and we were also able to pass a resolution in support of employees for continued employment during the COVID-19 Crises. I am asking for your vote so that I can continue serving you, and I can continue advocating the issues that are most important for all of us at Cornell.   
Nasser Andrew Siadat, JD/LLM nas287 Less Than 5 Years of Service Representative At-Large   Hello!    I’m Nasser. I joined the Cornell family 2 years ago in the Office of Institutional Equity & Title IX, where I investigate reports of prohibited discrimination (race, religion, disability, age, etc.), and sexual and related misconduct on campus.    Like all candidates, I am committed to supporting our colleagues with marginalized identities. I an active member of the Men of Color CNG and would bring this valuable perspective to the EA.    Before moving to Ithaca, I received my JD and LLM from Georgetown Law, and practiced as a public interest lawyer in Washington DC.     I love to be involved in any community that I am a part of. In Ithaca, I ran and won a seat on our neighborhood’s HOA and serve on the board of our local faith community. On campus, in addition to the Men of Color CNG, I am our office’s “Minister of Fun” (it’s a real role).    On a more personal note, my toddler lights up my world, I’m a fan of Cornell Wrestling & Cornell Soccer, and I never turn down a cup of coffee. Reach out anytime and let’s grab a cup of coffee (over Zoom) if you’d like to get to know me better.   I hope to win your vote, and I look forward to hearing from you!   All the best,    Email =  
Joseph Cannella jjc379 LGBTQ+ Representative At-Large Greetings colleagues and friends, My name is Joseph Cannella (he/him/his) and I respectfully submit my candidacy for LGBTQ+ Representative at Large to the Employee Assembly. As an EA member, I know I would be accountable for the welfare of Cornell and would work to advance the strategic goals of the University while simultaneously serving as the voice for Cornell’s LGBTQ+ employees.  I would serve to make sure that all were heard and ideas considered at the EA level.  I look forward to working with other EA members to identify future priorities, find opportunities for collaboration, and institute policies to bring about change for the betterment of present and future LGBTQ+ faculty & staff.  The following are some sample goals that I’d like to advance as your representative:
  • Increasing formal and informal networking opportunities for LGBTQ+ faculty and staff
  • Re-kindling a campus-wide “Safe Zone” initiative
  • Increasing programs that partner with the LGBTRC including Colleague Network Groups (CNGs), Cornell’s LGBTQ+ Active Ally Program, and an overall increase in cooperation between faculty/staff and the work of the LGBTRC.
For me, this would be a deeply rewarding endeavor.  I hope I may count on your support.  
Kit Tannenbaum kht43 Non-Exempt Employee Representative At-Large   Hello! I’m Kit and I’m running for the Non-Exempt Employee Representative seat. I’ve held non-exempt temporary, UAW, & full-time positions in my 8 years at Cornell, bringing a variety of perspectives to this seat.    In 11/19, I started my involvement in the EA through the Benefits & Policy Committee (BPC) and have accomplished the following thus far:
  • Originated the review of the University’s bereavement policy language to expand the definition of “immediate family” to include surrogate parents for employees who do not have traditional family arrangements. AY 19-20 EA Resolution #7 (Bereavement Policy) was created and President Pollack/VP Opperman accepted the proposed language change on 6/24/20.
  • Hand-edited language for AY 20-21 EA Resolution #1 (Protect Staff Jobs & Compensation) in response to University proposed salary/benefit cuts. This resulted in a reduced retirement contribution cut for endowed staff, rather than the proposed full elimination of the University retirement contribution.
  • Continued BPC participation and advocacy that EA meetings/activities are advertised to & accessible for all staff.
Thank you for considering your vote in support of advancing my unwavering employee advocacy efforts in the EA.  
Ellen T. Miller etm54 Research, Technology Transfer, and Information Technology Representative At-Large   I’m Research & Administrative Manager with Weill Institute for Cell & Molecular Biology and currently serve on Employee Assembly in the Non-Exempt Employee seat. I actively participate in both the Benefits & Policy Committee and Communications Committee.   Serving the non-exempt employee constituency is not easy with over 3,600 employees falling into that classification. I found my best approach has been to arm myself with knowledge. It’s been my priority to familiarize myself with policies, procedures and resources available to employees. My main focus has been equal access to benefits, professional development, and campus engagement for staff across all colleges, units and departments.   I’m currently running for the Research & Technology Transfer seat. As an actively engaged member of the Research Division staff, I feel primed to represent this constituency. I participate in monthly OSP roundtables, quarterly Research Division forums and serve on the ROAR (Reaching Out Advocating Research) Committee. In 2018 I was honored to receive a Mission-Possible award through the President’s Awards for Employee Excellence program. The Research Division is my Cornell home and I want to make sure that the voices of our employees are heard.  
Debra Howell dlh19 Veteran's Representative At-Large   I am the Director of Information Technology Operations for the University Libraries.  I am a creative, dynamic professional who thrives leading and facilitating complex workplace and technology processes, developing talent from within, and collaborating with others to build the most effective teams and environments. I have over 20 years of experience providing strategic direction and management. I have an extensive background in facilitation, organizational change, teambuilding, and leadership. I received my Master of Industrial and Labor Relations degree from Cornell University in 2006 through the Employee Degree Program.  I a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE).  I an Office of the Secretary of Defense certified Master Trainer and I volunteer helping Army Reserve soldiers and families prepare for, get through, and recover from deployments. I also serve as the Information Officer on the Board of the NYS ACE Women’s Network.   I have always believed in giving back to Cornell. Currently, I chair the Cornell Veteran's Colleague Network Group and serve as a Title IX Hearing Board rep. I would welcome the opportunity to serve the university and its staff through the EA.  
Brenda Fisher bmf74 Women's Representative At-Large   Thank you for taking the time to read my candidate statement for the role of Employee Assembly Women's Representative At-Large. I have worked at Cornell University for nearly a decade in Technical, Teaching Support and Administrative roles.  I am also a wife, mother and daughter.  As I'm sure you know all of these roles impact our lives to great extents.  While we have moved forward and entered the work-force at nearly identical rates to men, by-and-large caretaking responsibilities still fall on women's shoulders.   My primary goal in the EA, will be to continually improve equity, so that we can all succeed.  I will hear & voice your concerns surrounding issues of equity you may have encountered on campus.   In this time, with so many of us working from home or altered schedules, work-life balance is an utmost concern.  I find myself at times struggling to maintain the balance and find that work creeps into my family more than when I was working from home.  We all strive to be the best at work and at home and this can lead to an incredible amount of stress. We need to be given the support and tools from the University to maintain a balance.   Thank you and I look forward to representing you all.