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Cornell University

12/14/2020 Wind Down to Winter Break panel discussion | Questions/Feedback

12/14/2020 Wind Down to Winter Break panel discussion


  1. How can employees stay focused and engaged throughout the month of December?  (With Thanksgiving providing a much needed break, how can we return to the same depressing pandemic/work-from-home routines with the anticipation of the longer Winter Break looming... )

  2. What are the limitations preventing the re-opening of the pools? I used to depend on swimming to rejuvenate me. Now I find that 20 minute yoga routines are beneficial but I can't schedule time for long classes.  Short recorded classes would be a great resource...consider series that could be done while standing or sitting in a chair, and for different ages. 

  3. Are there certain exercises that are better than others or more appropriate for different times of the day?

  4. Do you have suggestions for improving the gut health and the brain-gut connection?

  5. What would your suggestions be with holiday food (including desserts) be during this season of many sugary treats? 

  6. Do you have any advice on free resources (for meditation, focus, exercise, etc.,) to discern credible vs. not? 

  7. What suggestions could help me make the most of this winter break? I'm anxious about winter break. In a normal year, I'd be eagerly anticipating the gift of 11 days and would probably add on a few vacation days, so I could unhurriedly visit family and friends who live in other states. This year, that much time, in the same house with the same family members I've been in lockdown with since March, feels daunting.

  8. How do I deal with tough people?

  9. How can I achieve the right balance between sleep and action, especially in the morning? Would love to hear about the pros and cons to resting more versus rising earlier (including for those who have trouble sleeping through the night). Also, wondering how to balance tradition vs. self-care over the holiday break?

  10. I'm keenly feeling the loss of the socializing, warmth, and fun with colleagues that usually happens this time of year -- the potluck lunches, holiday parties, goofy gift exchanges, shopping for Cornell Elves, etc. Anyone having success doing this virtually? 

  11. Can the mental health benefits provided by Cornell be expanded during this time?

  12. What ergonomic resources are available to employees who are working from home? As our team is considered "non-essential" and therefore most all are required to be off campus , remote working; The home work situation, ergonomically is not ideal. No standing desks, for those that are 8-9 hours in front of monitors.

  13. I'm joining late so not sure if it was asked, ICSD just cancelled in person learning through the rest of the year. As a single dad also working on helping CU succeed this spring with our Audio Visual classroom solutions, I'm struggling.

  14. Are there any winter recipies that Erin suggests?

  15. My saving grace has been taking a walk outside with one friend, both masked. Physical + social + mental wellness.

  16. Are there ideas for celebrating the winter solstice or the day after? There's hope in the change towards more daylight.

  17. I am so sad that I will not be able to see my family for Christmas this year. In response, I have found myself taking more risks in my personal life (shopping more, dining more, doing more in-person activities) justifying them by saying I no longer have to “protect” anyone. As someone who has been taking the precautions and isolations very strictly since March, I’m now finding it a really difficult midset to break. What do you recommend?

  18. Tips for ealking in winter and ice? Especially from non winter persons?

  19. Do you have recommendations for people who lose their appetitie due to stress and lose too much weight?

  20. Can you give suggestions about family get togethers that wont be happening and how to have that special connection with loved ones? (especially those who are not technically saavy or those who cannot zoom, facetime, etc.). I have elderly family members who are usually at my house but cannot come this year due to the pandemic and will be alone.

  21. IceBug is a brand that has studded running shoes and boots.

  22. Thank you to all of you for taking the time to do this webinar to help all of us feel a bit better during this difficult time. Holiday cheers to all and may we all have a safe, healthy, joyful 2021.

  23. Firepit/chiminea outside works too!