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Cornell University

Responses | EA Staff Feedback Forum #1: Workforce Equity and Anti-Racism at Cornell

How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. I think more staff members should take Allyship trainings. They are extremely educational and informative. I attended an Allyship training and there were 100 participants. I counted all the male sounding names (inclusive of androgynous names: ie. Jordan, Jamie, Billi) and there were less than 20. With a faculty/staff population of 10K, and males being a little less than 5K of that population (according to IRP 2019 data), we should see more participation from both males and females.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? According to Google "Cultural competence is the ability to understand, communicate with and effectively interact with people across cultures. Cultural competence encompasses. being aware of one's own world view. developing positive attitudes towards cultural differences. gaining knowledge of different cultural practices and world views". We need more education around this topic, we need more honest discussions. We need more people engaged in actively wanting to change and be better.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. Be open to communication and reach out to individuals as often as possible.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? I would describe cultural competency as having an understanding, ability to engage/interact with and communicate well with people from various cultures.  Some achieve this by being raised/educated/living/having regular contact with individuals from various cultures.  At Cornell staff, faculty and students that engage openly with other cultures can achieve a higher level of cultural competencies.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. Open communication and acceptance. Everyone deals with situations differently and that needs to be understood from the start.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Cultural competency to me means the ability to communicate across cultures. I think the best way to achieve it is for people to be open to cultural differences. Acceptance of the differences needs to happen. 
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. We support one another by actively listening to each other, especially BIPOC employees, and begin working towards actions that can diversify faculty, staff, students as well as create inclusive programming and cultures in the workplace.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Cultural competency is understanding and being able to appropriately and respectfully interact with people from other cultures. This means checking yourself on the stereotypes you hold of people from a certain group and WHY you hold them. This can also mean checking yourself before you speak and thinking, "is this microaggressive? Does this have a racist undertone? Is this appropriate to ask/say? Would I want people to ask me this question?"
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. Check-ins between not only managers and staff but also staff and other staff members. Time off considerations that allow people who are under stress to take the time they need for their own mental health. Expansion of councilors available to talk with staff and faculty. Additional councilors who offer support in languages other than English.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Cultural competency is the ability to effectively navigate working with people from cultures or backgrounds other than one's own. This is achieved by learning from, talking with, and reading about people with different experiences than our own.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. Provide a space to allow for the free exchange of ideas.  Operationalize the process so that it becomes proactive rather than a reactive response.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? An understanding and respect for diverse cultural responses and a sensitivity and appreciation for the value of those responses.  Create a required cultural competency curriculum that provides training to students, faculty, and staff in integrated teams to increase awareness and identify ways to operationalize the lessons learned.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. I have reached out to my Black colleagues who I am closer to to send messages of support without expectations, e.g. "I know we have coffee scheduled tomorrow, but I wanted to check in and see how you are doing. No pressure to reply - just wanted to let you know I'm here. Please let me know if you need the time we have scheduled tomorrow for yourself. I can reschedule us, no problem." or "I wanted to reach out and check in with you. I'm so sorry for what you must be experiencing right now. I want to be of support to you, and will let you tell me the best way to do that, as needed. Please, no obligation to respond, just wanted to reach out."   The Women of Color listserve has been a source of shared support for Black colleagues, but a colleague pointed out that there are not clearly communicated resources for Black faculty, staff and students. There are resources being sent out around to support the work that White people need to do to start dismantling White supremacy (or at least become allies) but haven't seen much else.   I appreciated that the "Allyship: How Can I Support My Black Colleagues Right Now?" HR training had an actual scenario in the breakout room that could help people think through how they would support a colleague in that situation.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Dismantling systemic structures that uphold White supremacy and educating White people and non-Black POC on how to expand their thinking outside of the mindset and structures this country is built on.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. I think one of the ways we support each other at this time is by opening up dialogue about race and racism. Talk about how we are feeling, what we are learning, and what we plan to do a a department, unit, college, etc. Checking in with colleagues to show our support. Making plans of action so we can demonstrate our commitment to anti-racism.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Cultural competency is the ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across cultures. (,cultural%20practices%20and%20world%20views) This is vitally important in higher education where we work and interact with people from all over the country and from all over the world with varying backgrounds, experiences, and identities. We can begin to achieve this by being aware of our own implicit biases, getting better acquainted with other cultures and identities, asking questions, spending more time getting to know people who are different from ourselves,etc. Also, learning that we are not so different and the differences we do have make us stronger as a community.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. 1. How to support one another: Develop strength in ally-ships, and identify and lend support to crucial individuals with whom to entrust in providing the requisite leadership forward. (Note I answered the cultural competency question first, and then this one. I believe this affects how I've answered this question).   2. Example: Read and learn more about the best practices that make a difference.  Start small. Become a role model. Commit to changing the smallest of practices. Share our knowledge in forums like this one to help each other make sense of what is going on. Be bold. Be brave. Take the risks entailed. Diversify and share the power, and the wealth. Teach our children well. We must be allowed to be ourselves each and every moving, breathing moment of our lives, and not have to deal with any backlash for our differences. We must celebrate these differences in ways that we've never considered.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Cultural competency is complex. It is more than an understanding of different cultures, races, and identities. It is more than acceptance of people as they are. It is more than knowing our own biases, and how they affect the way we think, interact, and make decisions. One of the most difficult things about cultural competency is that for any single individual, it is constantly evolving; so it is a dynamic process more than a static element to grapple with. I would argue that one doesn't achieve cultural competency, but rather that one must make it an imperative to continually learn about issues of culture, race, identity, etc, and reframe our thoughts and behaviors in accordance to what we learn and see.  Cultural competency is never achieved; it is a way of living that embraces honesty and openness, humility and grace, and that fosters dialogue and actions (including policies) that adjust to the constantly changing world environment in an endeavor to create a more equitable, more just (and green!) world for all the planet's inhabitants. I don't believe this will ever move in the right direction, and show major strides forward, until each of us is willing and able to make the grave sacrifices that to do so will entail. And yet I'm extremely hopeful that our shared intelligence will eventually overcome the challenge and see progress. In fact, right now I can see a light at the end of the tunnel that I hadn't seen before. Thank you for soliciting my thoughts, and best wishes with this program.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. In my workplace we have taken the strong working relationships we had previously and transferred them to the virtual world.  My team has a daily stand up meeting to discuss production issues, but if all is well, we can share our experiences and help each other. One person on the team offered to make masks for those who needed it, or offered that people can come pick from her garden.  We shared experiences early on for where to find things in short supply, of traveling in town and experiences at the doctor offices and test centers etc.  When we needed help with home offices, people shared what was available in the office for use, and in my case, I got help loading my car up. etc.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Cultural competency is understanding that other people have grown up with a different world view than our own.  So, when dealing with people, take the time and effort to see things from their perspective in order to build an understanding and work together within in our combined framework for solutions that meet as many needs as possible.   I'd like to extend this, it is not just countries, religions, races with different perceptions of the world, language creates a filter just by the words available in the language to frame thoughts.  A person's unique life up to the point of interaction, such as, neighborhood, rich/poor, first child/last child, home environment, schooling, life experiences and personality all combine to create a unique one of a kind perspective on the world.
  How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. Respect. Respect is simple at its core, but people lose sight of respect when they focus it solely on themselves. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. Respect others as you would want to be respected. Respect others for their perspective, their opinion, their race, their nationality, their religion, their everything and remember that if everyone was the same how boring of a world we would live in.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? I'm not sure on this one as most people have a natural fear of what they don't know.  Some people like to be educated and others don't and forcing knowledge on people is usually not welcome kindly.  I think offering fun cultural activities may help?  I know when we had the cultural food day in our division it was a really fun event and a lot of different cultures were represented and you got to learn about what made that food culturally significant.  Cultural traditions are always interesting to learn about and may attract some positive feedback and everyone always loves a food event!
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. I have found support in the webinar series of discussion on racism.  I used the Juneteenth holiday to attend a protest on the commons and hear first hand from people affected by racial  bias.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Education and communication are key.  These webinar discussion help to broaden our communities and expose our minds to others to foster greater empathy.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. We call and ask each other how they are doing, is there anything we can do for them. We listen to their concerns and fears, we reach out and take care of our extended family (our friends, neighbors, and elderly) in my neighborhood we are taking turns buying groceries, running errands, and checking in daily on our 89 year old neighbor.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Communicate and interact with knowledge and attitude towards other cultures and our own. Recognize everyone and their cultural histories.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. By listening, not judging and not being afraid to stand up when you witness injustice.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Being able to effectively communicate how you feel about a particular item and be open that another person of a different culture than you will have a different view due to their not only culture but individual life experiences. We can achieve it by being humble, truly listening and putting yourself in the other persons shoes for a minute.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. I am grateful for the way Cornell leadership has committed institutional resources to addressing racism and to learning what it means to be antiracist. I am concerned, however, about the way these initiatives are taking shape. As a white man, I am concerned that we are not being sensitive to and considerate of the needs of our POC and specifically Black employees. Much of the antiracist work that needs to be done is work that needs to be done by White folx; but I have not seen white ally spaces convened. I have also heard several Black colleagues share their concern that the chosen reading materials seem to have been chosen without their participation in mind (ie, the majority of Black staff don't need to learn how to be antiracist). I think some nuance is needed in communications and educational design around white privilege, white supremacy, and the need for white folx to do their work if these new institutional initiatives are going to be successful.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Cultural competency is not a "thing," or even an achievable goal, really. It is an aspiration for which we strive. Cultural competency is striving to do to the work to educate ourselves about other people, cultures, identities, religions, sexual orientations, etc and their particular needs, concerns, hopes, and desires. No one ever arrives at "cultural competence." Whether we have been on the journey for years or are just beginning to learn, all of us have room to improve.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared.
  • Providing space and time to have the conversations.
  • Staff encouraging each others (and supervisors) to do this.
  • Discussing how, in our work with students, we can find the right balance of supporting where they are in difficult life spaces with the need to hold them accountable for bad choices they might have made.
What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? A combination of theoretical learning and lived experiences (as members of, and not members of) truly diverse communities, that allows us to have a deep understanding of the history and perspectives of diverse cultures. White people need to own our privilege and do the learning.  It will speed the process, I believe, if those without privilege can extend grace and space (as they have done again and again through history) for this to happen.  Please know, though: I am NOT saying it is on those without power or privilege to do the work. That is clearly the job of people WITH power and privilege.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. Educate ourselves as much as possible and support our colleagues and other members of the community.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Education, awareness, opening people's minds.  Racism has always struck me as being due to ignorance and fear that is shaped by media sensationalizing specific events and targeting certain groups of people.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. The best way to support each other is to keep lines of communication open and listen when people want to talk.  If we could all learn to be more aware of those around us and less self-involved.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Asking questions politely about different cultures, their customs; engaging in honest discussions and learning more about each other might help people to be less afraid of the unknown.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. Lessons from a middle-aged white woman: Listening, asking questions, holding space. Don't respond if you aren't comfortable with what an appropriate response is. Ask yourself if your voice needs to be heard right now or should I let others speak first. Don't give advice if you are not asked. Don't tell your story to empathize. Don't take things personally.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Cultural competency knowing one's culture is not the gold standard. That all cultures and individual differences are valid. Being self aware about one's own culture and competence of communicating and interacting with a variety of people,
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. It is impossible to know of institutional bias without conversations, so example like this - having this dialogue/survey is the start of the way we can support one another during this time and moving forward.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Addressing issues of culture, race, class, and ethnic background increases the likelihood of a positive intervention for student retention and success long term. I think in academia, at Cornell specifically the challenges we face with those that are not white, from families that have a lineage at Cornell, and are otherwise classified as minority- it means being connected verbally and with actions to a larger audience in a positive and supportive environment.  Cornell needs to be aware of the differences that people have culturally, and being sensitive to that end.  Things like dialect, educational upbringing, cultural regions and economic backgrounds come into effect here.  A student/adult that seeks an education as the first generation in their family in higher education is at an extreme disadvantage than a family that has gone to the same school and has knowledge of professors, standards and space navigation from the get go.  As a university that prides itself with a diverse student body, we could do more.  For starters, with wayfinding and guidance documents.  On day one - students move in with parents.  Our university looks and feels different than it might on the day they toured and interviewed.  WE need to be more consistent and consistent branded signage that is large and inclusive would be very helpful.  Additionally, guidance documents need to be available (easily) and not a navigational nightmare both online and administrationally.  Finding the card id location is difficult and that is where challenges start!   Next, Cornell could benefit students already at a disadvantage culturally, by access to a highly organized alignment program (mentorship) for students with  that are more disadvantaged with University expectations - to allow them to have that "family" bond that longer lineage members already have.  But it should not be limited to just those disadvantaged. It should be offered to every student, as students come from home in seemingly different circumstances and meeting them where they are at will assist in the student retention and participation expectations.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. Promoting BIPOC voices, and caucasian people using their own voices to promote and reveal history, facts, discussions and ways forward   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Cultural competency is the ability to encounter cultural markers different from your own and valuing them for what they are, without appropriation, without tokenism, accepting them as one would who likes rock music and doesn't have family get to togethers would accept a friend who listens to country and has a big close family. And, indispensably, with personal research into cultures/practices of those that we encounter (to learn about them, as they've likely had to learn about you).
What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Through active listening, continuous self checks to increase inclusive thoughts, words, actions. Prioritizing and amplifying voices of marginalized persons.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. I've experienced small group discussions on my immediate team, as well as the sharing of resources both at my team level and divisional level as well. Being an ally means many things, but it starts with listening, through which comes understanding. The more the conversation continues, the more people will listen, and the more we will understand.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? I see cultural competency as a state of openmindedness and acceptance that eliminates prejudice and creates true equality, a transcendence of the racial barriers that humanity has suffered under throughout human history. And we WON'T achieve it until we can successfully de-politicize the issue of racism, which at this point in time seems like a tall order.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. Actively practice allyship--seek awareness of your own biases and privileges; actively listen to one another; work to change one's inner self and work to change systems that oppress, amplify the voices of those without your privilege.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? In the workplace, it's the ability to work/interact with people who are different than you are and commit to improving and evolving those abilities: Be aware of your beliefs and the lens(es) through which you see the world; embrace difference and seek to understand differences; go beyond acceptance and tolerance and include marginalized peoples.  Here are possible resources:
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. I really appreciate the community discussions on anti-racism available through CU Learn.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? It is an ongoing process that cannot ever be "achieved" as it is important to continue to learn and grow.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. I believe listening to one another, reflecting on perceived cultural norms and what it mean to uphold them.  Example of not listening can be seen in this alumni's experience:       What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Cultural competency I believe is knowledge.  To achieve it, we must practice engagement and explore the discomfort.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. Come together in groups in an on-going way, including white people who want to explore and dismantle white supremacy culture.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Understanding historical context. Having authentic relationships across cultures. Having an open mind about learning more about our own blindered spots.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. Listen to each other and accept that you may not understand others' experiences, but they are valid regardless of whether you understand or not. Provide support and speak up when you see discrimination and marginalization of your peers and co-workers.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Cultural competency is being aware of your own perception and biases and working to mitigate the negative effects they may cause. It is also working to be more empathetic and receptive to people of different races, backgrounds, identities, etc.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. We need to support all employee and students as we all process this topic. This includes not judging people that are still processing this and may not be forthcoming with their opinions. We need to provide resources to manager to help navigate conversation on this topic.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? This is what I think it is based online research:
  • a diplomatic mindset,
  • agile cultural learning,
  • reasoning about other cultures, and
  • a disciplined approach to intercultural interactions.
We achieve it by:  Listening and respecting all employees in the process. Being open to diverse thoughts and opinions on these topics while considering all employees and students with different backgrounds and not force fitting opinions. Creating a roadmap for learning and building the competencies overtime. Utilizing resources effectively and efficiently across the university to recruit more diverse employees, orient employees, and develop employees and students, and supervisors. Do all of the above to align to achieve the goals and objectives of Cornell and the state and federal regs.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared.
  • Engage in meaningful, thoughtful conversation, talk about methods for how to talk across difference (LARA).
  • Make ourselves available to talk
  • Set an example, share readings, shows, demonstrate your willingness to take learning into your own hands
What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? Understanding core needs of people (groups and individuals) so one can develop and implement thoughtful standards, practices, policies, etc. Assess the current state of cultural competency within your own program areas, and how that compares to larger divisional assessment. Identify short, intermediate, and long term goals. Aim for sustainability - for long term, institutional change. Make sure it is not only the POC leading the effort, make sure there is clear, visible effort by white, prominent leaders.
How do we support one another during this time? Provide examples and experiences you have witnessed or shared. Listen. Acknowledge this isn't easy, give others permission to feel uncomfortable about it. Allow for differing opinions and find ways to talk about it when there are differences. Example: someone makes a strong statement supporting an action that was taken during the protests, assuming everyone in the group is on that same page. One person heatedly responded this was not the case. The first person acknowledged this. It was an opening for a broader discussion.   What is cultural competency and how do we achieve it? How: Recognizing and acknowledging there are other cultures; actively becoming aware of, learning about and appreciating the variations within other cultures; meeting, communicating and sharing with people of other cultures to develop the opportunities for multi-directional growth in understanding, acceptance and appreciation of differences - without trying to change the other. Share this with others in ways that meet them where they are along the continuum of developing their cultural competency.