Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
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- Assembly/Committee: Employee Assembly
Date & Time:
Wed, Oct 2, 2024 - 12:00pmto1:15pm
- Agenda:
- Meeting Packet:
Audio Recording:
EA-10022024.MP3 (51.74 MB)
Employee Assembly of Cornell University
Minutes of the October 2nd, 2024, Meeting
12:00 PM – 12:56 PM
ZoomI. Call to Order
a. E. Crawley called the meeting to order at 12:00 noon.
i. Members Present: B. Arnold, M. Bant, A. Blakeslee, R. Boche, M. Boggs, F. Cantone, S. Chang, C. Cornell, E. Crawley, B. Dixon,
J. Doss, T. Hambury, D. Hinshaw, K. Karnuta, E. Krumm, J. Kruser, S. Lanchez, Y. Luckain, K. Mahoney, D. Mcdermitt,
P. Mengers, A. Morse, K. Phipps, S. Resue, I. Solís Cruz, K. Supron, D. Surine, J. VanHouten, D. Wiersonii. Members Absent: W. Treat
iii. Also Present: E. Kalweit, H. Depew
II. Assembly Member E. Crawley read the Land Acknowledgement of the Gayogo̱ ho꞉nǫ (Cayuga Nation)
III. Approval for the September 18th, 2024, meeting minutes
a. E. Kalweit asked for the meeting minutes to be tabled until next meeting.
i. Assembly Member K. Karnuta motioned to table the meeting minutes until next meeting.
ii. Assembly Member C. Cornell seconded the motion.
iii. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
IV. Business of the Day
a. Attendance Reminders
i. Assembly Member C. Cornell went over the attendance policy.
b. In-Person Cornell co-worker coffee
i. A new initiative offered by the Employee Assembly
ii. Assembly Member E. Crawley discussed the new initiative, and informed the Assembly that the first coffee meet up will be
October 30th, 2024, at the College of Veterinary Medicine.iii. The Executive Committee is looking for EA members to help with the table at the event.
iv. Assembly Member A. Morse asked the following question: What is the virtual option for our distance employees?
1. Assembly Member E. Crawley responded that there is already a virtual meet up offered to distance employees, and the
employee assembly can investigate contributing to the existing program.2. Assembly Member K. Karnuta offered to help man a virtual employee “table”, so remote employees can participate in the
coffee meet ups.c. Committee Staffing
i. Assembly Member E. Crawley explained that all Employee Assembly members need to be a part of one committee, and those
not in a committee yet should reach out to Assembly Member W. Treat.ii. Assembly Member I. Solís Cruz stated that Assembly Member W. Treat will be sending a document to the chairs of the
committees, with their members listed.d. Cornell-UAW Negotiations Statement
i. The Employee Welfare Committee was asked to bring a suggestion about a statement for the Cornell-UAW Negotiations at the
October 16th, 2024, meeting.V. Committee Reports
a. Executive Committee
i. Assembly Member I. Solís Cruz updated that the executive committee had worked on the coffee with colleagues across campus.
b. Communications, Outreach, and Recognition Committee
i. Nothing to report
c. Employee Education and Development Committee
i. Assembly Member D. Surine stated the committee is working to narrow down a time for their first meeting.
d. Employee Welfare Committee
i. Assembly Member K. Karnuta shared that October 17th is Domestic Violence Awareness Day and how the University is working
to alleviate childcare burdens that staff are facing.e. Benefits and Policy Committee
i. Assembly Member B. Dixon stated that they have their second meeting on October 3rd at 2pm.
f. Elections Committee
i. Nothing to report
VI. Open Discussion
a. The Assembly discussed the free menstrual products, and who’s responsibility it is now that the funding has run out. Assembly
Member E. Crawley plans to attend the UA meeting to hear their thoughts on the free menstrual products.b. The Assembly also discussed the first gen and low-income students conference for undergraduate students on November 9th,
2024. The Conference is looking for presenters and wishes for the Employee Assembly to possibly send some speakers.c. Assembly Member K. Karnuta is working with a non-profit on choice architecture, and how two Cornell Students recently got the
up charge for plant-based milk eliminated in Cornell Dining.d. H. Depew posed a question about the September 18th, 2024 career fest protest and looked to hear what Employee Assembly
members thought. The Assembly discussed their thoughts on the situation.VII. Adjournment
a. Assembly Member E. Crawley motioned to adjourn the meeting
i. Assembly Member C. Cornell seconded the motion to adjourn
ii. The motion passed with unanimous consent
The meeting was adjourned at 12:56pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Erin Kenefick-Coppersmith
Clerk of the AssemblyEA Minutes October 2, 2024.pdf (159.55 KB)