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Cornell University

Employee Assembly Meeting

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

  • Term:
  • Assembly/Committee: Employee Assembly
  • Date & Time:
    Wed, Oct 16, 2024 - 12:00pm
  • Location:
  • Agenda:
  • Meeting Packet:
  • Audio Recording:
    EA-10162024.MP3 (73.87 MB)
  • Minutes:

    Employee Assembly of Cornell University  
    Minutes of the October 16th, 2024 Meeting  
    12:03 PM – 1:24 PM  

    I. Call to Order  

       a. E. Crawley called the meeting to order at 12:03 noon.  

       b. Members Present: B. Arnold, M. Bant, R. Boche, M. Boggs, S. Chang, C. Cornell, E. Crawley, B. Dixon, J. Doss, T. Hambury, D. Hinshaw,  
          K. Karnuta, E. Krumm, J. Kruser, K. Mahoney, D. Mcdermitt, P. Mengers, A. Morse, K. Phipps, S. Resue, I. Solís Cruz, D. Surine,  
          K. Supron, W. Treat, J. VanHouten, D. Wierson  

       c. Members Absent: A. Blakeslee, F. Cantone, S. Lanchez, Y. Luckain  

       d. Also Present: E. Kalweit, H. Depew, G. Barger  

    II. Assembly Member E. Crawley read the Land Acknowledgement of the Gayogo̱ ho꞉nǫ (Cayuga Nation).  

    III. Approval for the September 18th, 2024, and October 2nd, 2024 meeting minutes.  

       a. Assembly Member K. Karnuta motioned to approve the October 2nd, 2024 meeting minutes.  

           i. Assembly Member C. Cornell seconded the motion.  

               1. The motion passed by unanimous consent.  

       b. Assembly Member C. Cornell motioned to approve the September 18th, 2024 meeting minutes.  

           i. Assembly Member W. Treat seconded the motion.  

               1. The motion passed by unanimous consent.  

    IV. Business of the Day  

       a. Meeting Chat Reminders  

           i. Assembly Member C. Cornell went over the zoom chat policies.  

       b. Speaker Gordon Barger, Senior director of benefits, strategy and initiatives.  

           i. G. Barger spoke on benefit updates and general information on data breaches.  

               1. H. Depew had the following question: is there any paper resources, such as a handout, about the data breaches discussed?  

                   a. G. Barger had the following response: He does not currently have a written paper handout; however, he would be happy to make one.  

               2. Assembly Member K. Supron had the following question: Is the 8% increase per insured individual or is it the total cost overall?  

                   a. G. Barger responded that it is both the individual and the total cost overall.  

               3. Assembly Member W. Treat had the following question: Is there any information or details about employees on the Contract College side  
                  rather than the endowed side?  

                   a. G. Barger responded that the Contract College is controlled by New York State and their medical plans.  

               4. Assembly Member T. Hambury had the following question: What does the medical look like for those that are retired?  

                   a. G. Barger discussed the retiree plan and how Cornell University covers those that are retired.  

    V. Divestment Referendum  

       a. The Employee Assembly discussed their divestment options.  

    VI. Extending the meeting  

       a. Assembly Member W. Treat motioned to extend the meeting by 10 minutes.  

       b. Assembly Member T. Hambury seconded the motion.  

       c. The motion passed by [10] to extend the meeting, [3] to end the meeting and [2] to abstain.  

    VII. EA Committees and Membership Update  

       a. Assembly Member W. Treat shared a document of the current committee members.  

           i. Assembly Member K. Mahoney had the following question: where was the information from?  

               1. Assembly Member W. Treat responded that the information is from last years documents as well as the Employee Assemblies Website,  
                  and that she is working to continue to update it as it changes.  

    VIII. Cornell Parking  

       a. Assembly Member C. Cornell motioned to move this agenda item to the next meeting.  

       b. Assembly Member I. Solís Cruz seconded the motion.  

       c. The motion passed by unanimous consent.  

    IX. Committee Reports  

       a. Executive Committee  

           i. Assembly Member I. Solís Cruz reported that there is the 1st EA sponsored coworker coffee on October 30th, 2024.  

       b. Communications, Outreach and Recognition Committee  

           i. Nothing to report.  

       c. Employee Education and Development Committee  

           i. Assembly Member D. Surine reported that the Committee came up with a great list of ideas that they will explore further at  
              their next meeting in two weeks.  

       d. Employee Welfare Committee  

           i. Assembly Member D. Wierson reported that the committee discussed parking, and the statement regarding the UAW strike.  

       e. Benefits and Policy Committee  

           i. Nothing to report.  

       f. Elections Committee  

           i. Nothing to report.  

    X. Open Discussion  

       a. H. Depew had the following statement about the graduate student who was a part of the protests at the ILR fair in September 2024.  
          The Employee Assembly discussed their thoughts on the situation.  

       b. E. Kalweit informed the Assembly of the George Peter Award that opened for nominations through till November 10th, 2024.  

       c. Liaison D. Wierson informed the Employee Assembly of the Faculty Senate meeting. They discussed the part-time bachelor’s program,  
          whether using suspensions punitively was appropriate and the interim policy.  

    XI. Adjournment  

       a. Assembly Member W. Treat motioned to adjourn.  

       b. Assembly Member I. Solís Cruz seconded the motion.  

       c. The motion passed by unanimous consent.  

    The meeting was adjourned at 1:24pm.  

    Respectfully Submitted,  
    Erin Kenefick-Coppersmith  
    Clerk of the Assembly