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Cornell University

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Meeting

Monday, February 15, 2021

Associated Resolutions

Resolution Abstract Status
GPSA R9 (2020-2021): Extending Voting Membership to Standing Committee Chairpersons The GPSA grants voting rights only to a subset of its members, the composition of which is proportional to the Assembly constituent divisions. This resolution amends the GPSA Charter to grant ex officio Voting Membership to the chairpersons of the GPSA standing committees, provided that the Chairpersons are democratically elected, and that no future amendment allows Chairpersonship to be granted without a general election. Accepted by the President
GPSA R12 (2020-2021): Addressing the ITAP and University Policy 1.3 This resolution aims to address and remedy the issues identified in Objective 2 of the International Students section of the Graduate and Professional Community Initiative (“GPCI”). As confirmed by a graduate and professional student-wide survey and in meetings of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (“GPSA”), certain demographics of students are targeted by a University-wide program called International TA Program (“ITAP”), which has consistently overstepped its authorities, interfered with funding and grants, and at times caused undue stress and pressure on students. The GPSA resolves to acknowledge these issues, and, in addition, demands that the University Provost and President form a working group involving stakeholders to reform the ITAP per the suggestions presented in this resolution. Acknowledged by the President