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Cornell University

Student Assembly Meeting

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Associated Resolutions

Resolution Abstract Status
SA R2 (2016-2017): Student Assembly Bylaw Changes The Student Assembly’s Bylaws need to be updated with regards to internal elections, lines of communication with administrators, executive committee responsibilities, meeting procedures, committee structures, and events. Acknowledged by the President
SA R3 (2016-2017): Approval of the 2016-2017 Operating Budget This is the Operating Budget for the SA 2016-2017 Academic Year. Acknowledged by the President
SA R4 (2016-2017): Approval of the Elections Committee Slate Per the Student Assembly Bylaws, after nomination of the slate for the Elections Committee and approval by the Staffing Committee, the Student Assembly at-large must approve the slate. Acknowledged by the President
SA R5 (2016-2017): Updating the Charter This resolution updates the Charter to remove outdated information and inefficiencies. Returned by the President
SA R6 (2016-2017): Policy Research and Planning Committee This legislation seeks to add an ad-hoc committee to compile information about potential policies that can inform representatives and be incorporated into a strategic plan for the SA. Acknowledged by the President