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Cornell University

Student Assembly Meeting

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Associated Resolutions

Resolution Abstract Status
SA R16 (2017-2018): Median Grade Reporting This Resolution recommends that the University Faculty direct the University Registrar to report median grades on transcripts based on instructor, in those courses where multiple sections with different instructors are offered. Committee Review
SA R17 (2017-2018): Declaring Support for Wind Development on Campus This resolution details and declares support for the development of wind turbines on or near Cornell’s campus. Acknowledged by the President
SA R18 (2017-2018): Expanding the Collegiate Readership Program to include the Wall Street Journal This resolution requests the Student Assembly to allocate funds from the Collegiate Readership Program (CRP) surplus toward an undergraduate-wide subscription to the Wall Street Journal. Such a subscription would provide professors of said students free access as well. Acknowledged by the President
SA R19 (2017-2018): Preventing the Use of University Resources for Political Purposes This resolution seeks to recommend that the administration discourage instructors from using university resources to encourage the attendance of events that endorse political positions. Committee Review