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Cornell University

Student Assembly Meeting

Thursday, November 14, 2024

  • Term:
  • Assembly/Committee: Student Assembly
  • Date & Time:
    Thu, Nov 14, 2024 - 4:45pm
  • Location:
    Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room (WSH407)/Zoom
  • Agenda:
  • Meeting Packet:
  • Audio Recording:
  • Minutes: No minutes available

Associated Resolutions

Resolution Abstract Status
SA R15 (2024-2025): Amend Charter to Streamline SAIFC Operations This resolution aims to create a more reasonable timeline for the Infrastructure Fund Commission’s workflow and set up rules to help the commission run without conflict of interest and with better connection with ongoing projects.

Sponsored by: Flora Meng ‘27, Cion Kim ‘27, Franklin Berry ‘26, Christian Tarala ‘27
Type of Action: Internal Policy
Originally Presented: 11/21/2024
Current Status: Adopted by the Assembly, 12/05/2024
Returned by the President
SA R16 (2024-2025): Approving Special Projects Funding Request for Black Students United This resolution approves $5000 of Special Projects Funding to Black Students United annual Washington D.C. Trip.

Sponsored by: Niles Hite ‘26
Type of Action: Internal Policy
Originally Presented: November 12th, 2024
Current Status: Adopted by the Assembly, 12/05/24

Whereas, the Student Assembly Standing Rules, Rule 12: Spending Guidelines, Part B: Special Projects Funding outlines the purpose of Special Projects Funding and the process of approving funding request.

Whereas, Part B: Special Projects Funding, section 1, of the Student Assembly Standing Rules explains the purpose of Special Projects Funding as follows:
"Section 1: The Student Assembly may choose to fund any project, program or service through the Assembly Special Projects that it deems to improve the quality of undergraduate student life. Special Projects funding is a type of category spending."

Whereas, Part B: Special Projects Funding, section 2, subsection a, of the Student Assembly Standing Rules describes the requirement to be considered for Special Projects Funding as follows:
"(a) Any Cornell registered student organization"

Whereas, Part B: Special Projects Funding, section 4, of the Student Assembly standing Rules outlines the rules of Special Projects Funding based on amount as follows:
"Section 5: Requests $2,500 and over shall be decided upon by a majority vote of the Executive Board and confirmed by a majority vote of the Student Assembly, at large. The Assembly, at large, is only required to confirm requests of $2,500 or greater. The request should be presented to the Student Assembly in the form of a resolution."

Be it further resolved, that the Student Assembly approves the $5000.00 Special Projects disbursement to Black Students United.

Be it further resolved, that Black Students United must ensure that they can register this event by the required deadline, as dictated by University Policy.

Be it finally resolved, that the Student Assembly urges that this funding be issued to Black Students United as soon as possible, in order to secure the materials required for their annual trip.

Respectfully Submitted,

Niles Hite ‘26
Vice President for Finance of the Student Assembly
Representative of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Student Assembly
Adopted by the Assembly
SA R17 (2024-2025): Campus-Wide Community Restorative Day Setting a precedent for university community restorative days.

Sponsored by: President deRham ’27, Executive VP Vinson ’25, Deputy Pres. Maggard ’26, VP Suarez ’27,
VP Hite ’26, VP Chan ’25, VP Flournoy ’27
Reviewed by: Executive Board, 11/12/2024
Type of Action: Sense-of-the-Body
Originally Presented: 11/14/2024
Current Status: Adopted by the Assembly

Whereas, the Cornell community mourns the tragic on-campus events that have detrimentally impacted the mental, emotional, and physical health of the student population.

Whereas, on November 8th, a Cornell Crime Alert was distributed to the Cornell community describing an incident of a Cornell undergraduate student who was sexually assaulted and coerced into consuming ketamine and other drugs, on October 25th, 2024, in the 100 block of Edgemoor Lane in the City of Ithaca.

Whereas, on November 10th, a woman was airlifted to an out-of-state hospital after falling into Fall Creek Gorge.

Whereas, on November 10th ,a Cornell undergraduate student was found dead in Fall Creek Gorge.

Whereas, we acknowledge the past practice of community restorative days in previous years in response to tragic events.

Be it therefore resolved, that a community restorative day be granted to all matriculated Cornell students by Cornell University in the incident of a student death on or off of any institution labeled as a campus of Cornell University.

Be it finally resolved, that a community restorative day be granted to all matriculated Cornell students by Cornell University in the incident that a sexual assault is reported through a Cornell Crime Alert.

Respectfully Submitted,

Zora deRham ‘27
President of the Student Assembly

Adam Vinson ‘25
Executive Vice President of the Student Assembly

Nicholas Maggard ‘26
Deputy President of the Student Assembly

David Suarez ‘27
Vice President of Internal Operations of the Student Assembly

Niles Hite ‘26
Vice President for Finance of the Student Assembly

Simone Chan ‘25
Vice President of External Affairs of the Student Assembly

Christian Flournoy ‘27
Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion of the Student Assembly
Submitted to the President