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Cornell University

University Assembly Meeting

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Associated Resolutions

Resolution Abstract Status
UA R4 (2018-2019): U.A. Resolution # 4 Appointment of University Hearing Board and University Review Board Members for Academic Year 2019-2020 This resolution, reviewed by the Codes and Judicial Committee of the University Assembly, seeks to appoint students, staff, and faculty members to the University's Hearing and Review Boards. Submitted to the President
UA R5 (2018-2019): U.A. Resolution #5 Creating an Ad Hoc Budget Planning Advisory Committee This resolution seeks to create an Ad Hoc Budget Planning Advisory Committee under the University Assembly. Acknowledged by the President
UA R6 (2018-2019): Recognition of Outstanding Support to the AY 2019 Legislative Session This resolution seeks to recognize the work of the University Assembly during the Academic Year 2018-19. Further, the resolution also recognizes the Assembly's committees and committee members, University officials and presenters that testify before the Assembly or its Standing Committees each year, and other staff and personnel that support the Assembly. Acknowledged by the President