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Cornell University

Spring 2020 Code Revisions - Section 3: Scope and General Provisions

     A. Jurisdiction:

The Code covers behaviors by all Cornell students, University-recognized or University-registered student organizations and living groups (including fraternities and sororities). The Code generally applies to conduct on any campus of the University, on any other property used by it for educational purposes, or on the property of a University-related residential organization. The Code applies to conduct that involves the use of University computing and network resources from a remote location, and to online behavior. The Code will apply regardless of the location of the conduct when: (1) the behavior occurs in the context of a University program or activity; or (2) poses a substantial threat to the University’s educational mission, the health or safety of individuals (whether affiliated with the University or not), or the University community. “Substantial threat” includes the following: (a) the selling of drugs; (b) physical contact exceeding a shove; (c) hazing; (d) property damage or theft valued over $500; and, (e) unique violations which shall be left to discretion of the Dean of Students as requested. Code applies to Cornell students between terms regardless of whether the University is in session. The final determination as to whether off-campus s conduct is subject to this Code will be made by the Dean of Students, or their designee. Students are further required to inform their guests as to Cornell’s behavioral standards and expectations. Students can be held responsible for their guests’ misconduct in which the student is complicit.       B. Transcript Notations:Transcript notations related to Code proceedings, including during the pendency of a conduct matter or when a student withdraws with a conduct charge pending, will be made in accordance with the University Registrar’s transcript notation policy ( Record Reporting by the Student Conduct Office is based on the seriousness of the underlying violation, with recognition of the educational and rehabilitative purpose of this Code. Towards that end, the following guidelines shall generally apply to such reporting:     (1) minor offenses are not reported;     (2) probationary status may be reported until the student graduates; if the student departs the university prior to graduation, then at the point of departure if the student has incurred no further Code violations;     (3) suspension is reported until it has been fully served, the student has demonstrated one-year of good conduct without subsequent Code violations, and a request has been reviewed and approved by the Dean of Students;     (4) expulsion is reported permanently.      C. Interaction with Criminal Proceedings:The Code does not govern criminal conduct, though criminal conduct can violate both the Cornell Student Code as well as criminal statutes. Accordingly, Code processes and criminal or civil processes may run concurrently where the alleged conduct implicates both the Code and local, state or federal criminal or civil statute(s) and ordinances. The determination of whether to continue or defer Code processes or proceedings rests with the Dean of Students or their designee.

**Please submit comments on the main 2020 Proposed Amendments to the Campus Code of Conduct page.**