UA R6 (2014-2015): Divestment from Companies producing Fossil Fuels and Holding Fossil Fuel Reserves
Other Communication
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- Resolution:
May 27, 2015
Other Communication
Summary / Notes:
J. Blair asked for additional information
- File Attachments:
Text Attachment:
Dear President Skorton,
While your response to Resolution 6 is not surprising, on behalf of the Assembly, we are still disappointed.
Although your decision is clear, since the Resolution's requested actions were for the Board of Trustee's, would you confirm Resolution 6 was sent to Investment Chair Opatrny or other appropriate Trustee(s). If not, we would request that Resolution 6 along with your response be submitted to Investment Chair Opatrny for the Investment Committee's awareness.
Separately, we are encouraged to hear about a Green Fund option for donors. Are you able to tell us the name of the person leading this endeavor and when more detailed information might be forthcoming? I will forward this information on to next year's Assembly so that they can follow-up at the appropriate time with this person.
Very Respectfully,