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Cornell University

Employee Assembly - Resolution 6 (2021-2022)

PT Degree Program Support

  • Term:
  • Assembly:
  • Status: Acknowledged by the President
  • Abstract: The Employee Assembly Supports a Part Time Bachelor’s Degree Program for Non-Traditional Students.
  • Resolution File:
  • Supporting Documents:
  • Sponsors: Marcy Benda (mb265), Jackie Creque (joc22), Ari Mack (ajm525), Brian T. Goodell (btg2), Emily Ivory (eft24), Kate Supron (kds95), Hei Hei Depew (hhc48), Debra Howell (dlh19)
  • Reviewing Committee:


Action Date
Tabled May 4, 2022
Adopted by the Assembly May 18, 2022
Conveyed to the President May 23, 2022
Acknowledged by the President Jun 22, 2022
No meetings are associated with this resolution.


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