EA R7 (2017-2018): Advancing a Comprehensive Transportation Plan for the Ithaca Campus
Conveyed to the President
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- Resolution:
November 29, 2017
Conveyed to the President
Summary / Notes:
Dear President Pollack,
I would like to formally convey to you EA R7: Advancing a Comprehensive Transportation Study for the Ithaca Campus. The resolution was sponsored by Transportation Taskforce chair, Kristie Mahoney, and Employee Welfare Committee chair, Laura Johnson-Kelly.
Last spring, the EA chartered the Transportation Taskforce in response to an employee forum on transportation and the growing concern over the transit needs of employees, particularly after the announcement of the new housing project from the Provost. The Taskforce includes members from Transportation & Mail Services, the Employee Assembly, and the broader community. These members have been working diligently and collaboratively to address the various needs of the staff community, both long and short-term.
This resolution calls for the advancement of a comprehensive study that will look at both our transit and parking infrastructures and make recommendations for a more cohesive ecosystem that meets the needs of the campus community. The resolution also requests that until that study is completed, the university refrain from reducing the total number of available parking spaces. We hope that the completion of this study will be a major step forward in ensuring that all employees are able to make it safely to campus to take part in the available opportunities without prohibitive costs, both financial and personal.
The resolution was passed by a vote of 21-0-0 on November 29, 2017.
Take care,
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