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Cornell University

EA R8 (2017-2018): Furthering the Institutional Commitment to LGBTQ+ Inclusion

Conveyed to the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    November 30, 2017
  • Action:
    Conveyed to the President
  • Summary / Notes:

    Dear President Pollack,

    I would like to formally convey to you EA R8: Furthering the Institutional Commitment to LGBTQ+ Inclusion. The resolution was sponsored by AA&D Representative, Matt Carcella, and me. It was drafted in collaboration with the LGBTQ Colleague Network Group, whose mission is “to raise awareness about the workplace issues faced by LGBT faculty and staff; provide networking opportunities for LGBT faculty and staff; and to support the recruitment and retention efforts of LGBT faculty and staff at Cornell University.”

    Cornell has long been a leader in advancing policies and programs in support of the LGBTQ+ community, as noted in the resolution. The continued work and advocacy of the LGBTRC and its staff is more than appreciated. Given changes in the national climate, the resolve to ensure that LGBTQ+ employees at the institution are safe, welcomed, and supported has been strengthened.

    The resolution requests a number of items that we believe will solidify Cornell’s support for LGBTQ+ employees and further demonstrate the commitment to inclusion. Most of the requested items are based on comparable structures at other institutions and aligned with best practices in higher education and the private sector. We recognize that some items are in process or early discussion, and hope that this will move those actions to completion. The resolution does not in any way seek to admonish any member of the administration for the many difficult decisions that they have had to make in order to balance the many needs of our various communities over the years. While we acknowledge that resources at the institution are always a concern, we know that we must dedicate more to supporting LGBTQ+ employees and Cornell’s most vulnerable populations if we wish to foster a sense of belonging and remain competitive in the search for top talent in our workforce.

    The resolution was passed by a vote of 21-0-0 on November 29, 2017.

    Take care,

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