GPSA R10 (2020-2021): Establishing Standing Rules for Spring Semester 2021
Conveyed to the President
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- Resolution:
February 5, 2021
Conveyed to the President
Summary / Notes:
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Text Attachment:
Dear President Pollack,It is my pleasure to convey GPSA Resolution 10: Establishing Standing Rules for Spring Semester 2021. This resolution adjusts the GPSA meeting dates for the spring semester. Since the regular meeting on April 26th falls on one of the wellness days, we have substituted that meeting with one on May 3rd. Furthermore, we are looking forward to hosting you in our meeting on March 29th.Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions or concerns.Respectfully Submitted,David Dunham
President of the Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
Department of German Studies
G73 Goldwin Smith Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853