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Cornell University

GPSA R14 (2017-2018): Updating the Byline Procedures, Eligibility Criteria, and Obligations


  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    April 23, 2018
  • Action:
  • Summary / Notes:
    1. T. McCann motioned to amend Appendix B, line 156, by adding a section e as follows:     

      1. “e. Initial recommendations to eliminate funding for an organization are passed by a 2/3 majority approval of seated voting members.

        1. i. If the elimination of funding of an organization is rejected, the organization will be informed by the Appropriations Committee Chair and given the opportunity to revise its request.”

      2. A motion was made to call the question, there was no dissent. The amendment passed with unanimous consent.

  • File Attachments:
    appendix_b.pdf (119.58 KB)
  • Text Attachment: