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Cornell University

GPSA R16 (2017-2018): In support of further discussion on proposed curricular changes to language requirements in the College of Arts & Sciences

Acknowledged by the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    May 14, 2018
  • Action:
    Acknowledged by the President
  • Summary / Notes:

    Dear Ekarina,

    Thank you for submitting GPSA Resolution 16: In support of further discussion on proposed curricular changes to undergraduate language requirements in the College of Arts & Sciences. The College of Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee is still actively considering this important issue. The curriculum proposal is still evolving, with amendments being proposed and considered, including those that would impact the language requirements. A copy of Resolution 16 has been shared with the committee chair.  

    Decisions by the faculty regarding the curriculum for Cornell’s undergraduates are at the very heart of the university’s academic mission. When a consensus is reached by the College of Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee and college faculty and leadership I expect that it will focus on providing the best educational experience for undergraduates. Courses are added, ended, and restructured on a continuous basis in response to a variety of academic factors. There are no proposals to deny enrolled graduate students the opportunity to hold teaching assistantships, and all graduate students whose funding package includes TA appointments can be assured that the university will honor such funding commitments that were made at the time of admission. Cornell policy as stated in the Code of Legislation of the Graduate Faculty requires that doctoral students be provided with a multi-year funding plan at the time of admission and that plan is honored for the duration of their studies.

    Thank you again for your input and perspectives on this matter.



    Martha Pollack


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