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Cornell University

GPSA R3 (2016-2017): A Resolution Revising the GPSA Finance Commission Guidelines

Conveyed to the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    November 22, 2016
  • Action:
    Conveyed to the President
  • Summary / Notes:
    Conveyed by N. Rogers
  • File Attachments:
  • Text Attachment:
    Dear President Rawlings,

    It is my pleasure to convey to you Resolution 3: A Resolution Revising the GPSA Finance Commission Guidelines

    This resolution sets forth major changes to how graduate and professional student organizations apply for and are allocated funding from the GPSAFC. The new model uses a tier system instead of the old line item system. The sponsors felt that the old model unjustifiably constrained student organizations to operate according to a very specific budget formula that homogenizes the types of activities that a student organization on campus might want to undertake. The new guidelines are intended to allow for much greater flexibility and to simplify the budget application process. Additionally, the sponsors are saw fit to create funding incentives for student organizations that were accomplishing Graduate and Professional Community Initiative (GPCI) objectives.

    Finally, we are still having discussions with regards to a general long-term solution for student organizations seeking funding outside of the Ithaca and Geneva campuses (e.g. Cornell Tech). We, therefore, expect to pass at least one more resolution amending the guidelines before they take effect.

    Nate Rogers, GPSA President