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Cornell University

GPSA R4 (2016-2017): In Support of the Maplewood Redevelopment Project

Returned by the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    October 17, 2016
  • Action:
    Returned by the President
  • Summary / Notes:
    Returned by H. Rawlings
  • File Attachments:
  • Text Attachment:
    Dear Nate,

    I’ve received GPSA Resolution 4: In Support of the Maplewood Redevelopment Project. I agree that the limited supply of quality, affordable off-campus housing compels the university to act quickly to replace the Maplewood housing units that were recently closed. The current redevelopment effort will be a significant step towards meeting the needs of graduate and professional students so I’m delighted to support this resolution with one modest change.

    I would ask that you revise line 17 of the resolution to note that the base monthly stipend rate is $2,795, not $2,547. The website you reference ( ) indicates that the 9 month academic year stipend rate is $25,152 and our data indicate that over 96% of continuing doctoral students receive at least some additional support during the summer, so it is not accurate to assume that most students receive only 9 months of stipend over the calendar year. Beginning this year, the Graduate School will explicitly factor both on-campus and off-campus housing rate increases into the stipend recommendation that is sent to the Board of Trustees.

    This collaboration between the GPSA and the university administration on our shared goal of enhancing graduate housing options has indeed been productive. Thank you also for acknowledging the efforts of Jeremy Thomas in your message to me and in the resolution itself.

    Yours sincerely,

    Hunter Rawlings