GPSA R4 (2023-2024): Recommendation for the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee for 2024-2026
Accepted by the President
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- Resolution:
January 11, 2024
Accepted by the President
Summary / Notes:
Dear Melia,
Thank you for conveying to me GPSA Resolution #12: Recommendation for the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee for 2024-2026, passed at the GPSA meeting on November 13, 2023. The byline funding provided by the GPSA is key to the important work done by the campus groups you support.
I send my thanks to the GPSA, in particular VP of Finance David Axel Browne and the Appropriations Committee, for their efforts to develop recommendations for the amount and allocation of the GPSA Student Activity fee for 2024-2026.
Martha E. Pollack
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