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Cornell University

GPSA R5 (2015-2016): Sense of the Body Concerning the Creation of the College of Business

Conveyed to the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    April 10, 2016
  • Action:
    Conveyed to the President
  • Summary / Notes:
  • File Attachments:
  • Text Attachment:
    Dear Acting President Kotlikoff, It is my duty to convey to you GPSA Resolution 5: Sense of the Body Concerning the College of Business. I apologize for my delay in conveying this resolution, I felt it appropriate to wait some time out of respect to President Garrett. This resolution states our formal protest to the process by which the College of Business was created. While not commenting on the decision itself, this resolution expresses how we felt the process was undemocratic and against the principals of shared governance. Since its creation, we have been involved in the process of shaping the new college, and are excited for the possibilities it brings to the graduate and professional student community. However, in the future we hope that final decisions such as this can be made with more thorough vetting by the shared governance groups and the campus community as a whole. Respectfully, Richard Walroth