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Cornell University

GPSA R7 (2017-2018): On the need for an institutional commitment to deconstructing systems of oppression and inequity


  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    October 16, 2017
  • Action:
  • Summary / Notes:
    1. A. Schofield motioned to amend line 99 (the last whereas), “Whereas, the update that President Pollack provided on the formulation and the charge of the presidential task force implicitly rejected the spirit of GPSA AY 2017-2018 Resolution 5 without any direct communication with the GPSA;” A motion was made to call the question, there was no dissent. The amendment passed 12-0-6. Original (unamend resolution) attached to this action; the amended resolution is under resolution file.

  • File Attachments:
    resolution_7.pdf (294.9 KB)
  • Text Attachment: