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Cornell University

GPSA R9 (2016-2017): A Call for Action Regarding Cornell Students Facing Uncertainties in Academic Access

Accepted by the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    April 14, 2017
  • Action:
    Accepted by the President
  • Summary / Notes:
    Accepted by H. Rawlings.
  • File Attachments:
  • Text Attachment:
    Dear Nate,

    Thank you for forwarding Resolution 9: A Call for Action Regarding Cornell Students Facing Uncertainties in Academic Access. The University and the Graduate School are committed to providing flexibility and support for students who are adversely affected by recent or future changes in federal immigration policy.

    International students who encounter travel or visa restrictions have access to the full range of accommodations that are currently available to graduate and professional students facing other unexpected barriers to their studies. Students are eligible to seek extensions or modifications to their milestones and deadlines using the Graduate School’s general petition process, or by submitting a written request to their professional college. The Graduate School does not have a residency requirement, per se, so students who are unable to return to campus may continue to register or petition for in absentia status. Faculty and instructors have been vocal in their support for our international students and colleagues, and stand ready to offer reasonable accommodations for coursework and other academic requirements. The career service offices have been working to identify domestic internship opportunities for students who have been advised not to leave the US while on a student visa.

    The University will continue to strongly advocate on behalf of international students through our elected representatives in Washington and our many national organizations. As Resolution 9 suggests, it would not be possible for Cornell to offer world-class education and research opportunities without students from every corner of the world. News and resources related to immigration issues for the Cornell community are highlighted and regularly updated on the Global Cornell website: and communicated periodically through Graduate Announcements, University Statements, and other mechanisms. The Graduate School, professional schools, and the International Students and Scholars Office will advocate for and support the needs of our international students.

    As my time as interim president ends, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you and your colleagues on the GPSA for the thoughtful, measured, and highly constructive positions that you have advanced over the past year. It has been a true joy to partner with the GPSA on these priorities and I’m confident that President Pollack will quickly come to appreciate Cornell’s remarkable graduate and professional community.


    Hunter Rawlings

    Hunter Rawlings
    Interim President, Cornell University
    300 Day Hall
    Ithaca, NY 14853
    Tel: 607-255-5201