SA R13 (2022-2023): Student Assembly Office of Ethics Bylaw Amendment
Returned by the President
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- Resolution:
January 6, 2023
Returned by the President
Summary / Notes:
Dear Valeria,
Thank you for conveying to me Student Assembly Resolution #13 - Student Assembly Office of Ethics Bylaw Amendment.
Art. VI, Section 5(C)(c)(i) states “The Office will review all concerns submitted by the student body that involve any SA members, SA committees, SA elections, or directly elected undergraduate representatives of the UA.”
This could be read to imply that the Student Assembly Office of Ethics could review complaints submitted by the student body that are unrelated to the service of an SA member or UA undergraduate representative. I ask that the Student Assembly amend this resolution to clarify that the Office of Ethics only has jurisdiction over complaints related to the person’s actions or status as a member of the SA or UA and resubmit the bylaws for acknowledgement.
Martha E. Pollack
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