SA R2 (2020-2021): Reducing the SAF for Fall2020 (2020SU)
Conveyed to the President
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- Resolution:
August 11, 2020
Conveyed to the President
Summary / Notes:
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Text Attachment:
Dear President Pollack,I am pleased to convey to you Student Assembly Summer 2020 Resolution #2: Reduction of the Student Activity Fee for Fall 2020.This resolution supports the reduction of the Fall 2020 Student Activity Fee due to unforeseen circumstances caused by Covid-19.I would like to thank Moriah Adeghe, our 2019-2020 Vice President of Finance for her hard work in coordinating this decrease with our byline organizations.Please let me know if you have any questions!Best,Cat Huang--
Catherine Huang
Executive Vice President | Cornell Student Assembly
Cornell University '21 | Industrial Labor Relations