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Cornell University

SA R39 (2016-2017): Creation of the Vice President of External Affairs

Conveyed to the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    May 17, 2017
  • Action:
    Conveyed to the President
  • Summary / Notes:
  • File Attachments:
  • Text Attachment:
    Dear President Pollack,

    I would like to convey the Student Assembly’s 39th resolution of the year to you. This resolution combines the Vice President of Public Relations and the Vice President of Outreach roles into the single position of the Vice President of External Affairs.

    Resolution 39 is Creation of the Vice President of External Affairs.

    Over my four years on the Student Assembly, there has been a lot of confusion over the roles of the Vice President of Outreach and the Vice President of Public Relations. We hope that the combination of the roles will help to provide clarity and accountability of the executive committee. Sarah Park has been elected as the first Vice President of External Affairs for the Student Assembly for the 2017-2018 academic year.

    I hope that this is the first of many steps that the Student Assembly takes in its restructuring process.

    Thank You,

    Jordan Berger