SA R39 (2023-2024): Recommendation for the Student Activity Fee for 2024-2026
Conveyed to the President
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- Resolution:
December 18, 2023
Conveyed to the President
Summary / Notes:
Good evening, President Pollack,
It is my pleasure to convey to you Resolution 39: Recommendation for the Student Activity Fee for the 2024-2026 Academic years. After many hours over the course of many months, the Student Assembly has voted on a recommendation of $424 for the following byline cycle. This resolution passed 27-0-2 (Vice President De Lorenzo abstained from this vote as did I).
I am also attaching a box link here; this folder contains the resolution, Vice President of Finance DeLorenzo’s full 82 page report including a custom CPI for our organization’s most used goods and services, and a short executive summary of this semesters work.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you and working closely in the upcoming semester.
Happy holidays,
Patrick Kuehl (He/Him)
President of the Student Assembly
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Text Attachment: