SA R50 (2017-2018): Approval of the Fall 2018 Elections Rules
Adopted by the Assembly
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- Resolution:
May 4, 2018
Adopted by the Assembly
Summary / Notes:
The resolution passed unanimously by an email vote on Sunday, May 5, 2018.
- File Attachments:
Text Attachment:
The PDF with yellow and blue highlighting details these amendments. All blue highlighted amendments have been already formally adopted, either initially by the Elections Committee or on Friday before quorum was lost. All yellow amendments are suggested amendments from the SA members present on Friday. My first motion will be to adopt all of the amendments in yellow.
The PDF with red and blue writing is a cleaner copy of the Election Rules, clearly showing the amendments being made to the most recently passed version of the Elections Rules if all of Friday's amendments are officially adopted.
I hereby formally:
- Move to adopt all Yellow Highlighted Amendments in the PDF labeled:
"Election Rules for Accepting the SA's May the Fourth Suggested Edits" - Move to pass Resolution 50, if the first motion passes, and the Elections Rules Amendments as they appear in the PDF
"Fall 2018 Elections Rules - Clean Colorful Amended"
Please reply by FORWARDING a response to this email to the "" listserv with a vote in the format:
- Motion to Adopt all Yellow Highlighted Amendments: (Yes/No/Abstain)
- Motion to Pass Resolution 50 and the Elections Rules (Yes/No/Abstain)
To be clear, you should pick one of the three out of "yes," "no," and "abstain" for each motion. Do not reply with all three. Please.
As a disclaimer, due to the fact that this is an email vote on a formal resolution through the SA listserv, your votes will by default be visible to all other SA members (similar to the effect of a roll call vote). This is necessary so that the vote tally is official and transparent. This also means that you will all hopefully get 28 emails in response to this thread. Again, this is necessary and for the best.These will probably be the final votes of the AY 2017-2018 SA. Let's do it right and end with a positive impact on next year's Assembly.
Thank you all.
Dale Barbaria
Vice President of Internal Operations, Student Assembly - Move to adopt all Yellow Highlighted Amendments in the PDF labeled: