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Cornell University

SA R52 (2020-2021): Amending Leave of Absence Policies

Conveyed to the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    May 22, 2021
  • Action:
    Conveyed to the President
  • Summary / Notes:


  • File Attachments:
  • Text Attachment:
    Dear President Pollack,
    It is my pleasure to convey to you Student Assembly Resolution #52: Amending Leave of Absence Policies  This resolution aims to call Cornell to amend its leave of absence policies in order to better accommodate the mental health well being of the student body. 
    This resolution passed the Assembly unanimously. 
    Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns! Thank you. 
    Catherine Huang
    President | Cornell Student Assembly
    Cornell University '21 | Industrial Labor Relations