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Cornell University

SA R52 (2021-2022): SA R52 - Extending Petitioning Deadline

Conveyed to the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    April 14, 2022
  • Action:
    Conveyed to the President
  • Summary / Notes:

    This resolution reopens petitions for the Spring 2022 Student Assembly Elections for all vacant positions.

  • File Attachments:
  • Text Attachment:


    Dear President Pollack, 

    It is my pleasure to convey to you SA Resolution #52: Extending Petitioning Deadline.


    This resolution reopens petitions for the Spring 2022 Student Assembly Elections for all vacant positions.


    The resolution was adopted in a vote of 18-0-1. 


    Thank you. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 




    Anuli Ononye  

    President, Cornell University Student Assembly 

    College of Arts & Sciences ' 22