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Cornell University

UA R1 (2018-2019): Appointment of University Hearing Board and University Review Board Members for Academic Year 2018-2019

Conveyed to the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    March 1, 2019
  • Action:
    Conveyed to the President
  • Summary / Notes:
    Dear President Pollack,
    It is my pleasure to formally notify you of U.A. Resolution 1 "Appointment of University Hearing Board and University Review Board Members for Academic Year 2018-2019."  I must apologize for the delay in this message, I incorrectly recorded it as sent while in reality it was in my drafts folder.

    This resolution was sponsored by the Chair of our Codes & Judicial Committee, Undergraduate Dale Barbaria.  It was passed by the full Assembly at our meeting of October 2, 2018.  

    Its purpose is to appoint student, staff and faculty members to terms of service on the University Hearing and University Review Boards. 

    Traditionally, this resolution would be one of the final actions of the outgoing Assembly.  However, various logistical delays with the Office of the Assemblies prevented its passage last Academic Year.  To prevent this from happening in the future, we have, among other actions, modified our bylaws and procedures and as part of our work on on the Campus Code of Conduct are examining potential clarification of the language regarding the appointment process.  We also note our appreciation of Vice President Joel Malina's support in resolving logistical delays.
    Since this Resolution is within the scope of the Assembly's current authority, it does not require a formal review and acceptance by you.  However, as in all actions of the Assembly, we value your insight and would want to address any questions or concerns you or the administration might have 
    Thank you for your time and consideration.  Please let me know should you have any questions or concerns.

    Matthew A. Battaglia

    Chair, University Assembly

    109 Day Hall

    Cornell University

    Ithaca NY 14853

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