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Cornell University

UA R16 (2020-2021): Calling for a Veterans Support Center

Conveyed to the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    May 14, 2021
  • Action:
    Conveyed to the President
  • Summary / Notes:


  • File Attachments:
  • Text Attachment:
    Hi President Pollack,
    It is my pleasure to convey to you UA R16: Calling for a Veterans Support Center. We created an Ad Hoc Committee through the UA’s Campus Welfare Committee, solicited feedback from the community at-large, and are pleased with this request. We wish to see a centralized location where veterans, military-affiliated individuals, and any member of the campus community can congregate—strengthening the bond between the community. Vet resource centers are common at universities across the country and we acknowledge Cornell’s continued ranking as one of the most vet-friendly schools. Therefore, this seems like a logical next step and does not appear to require a lot of work for implementation. While the undergraduate veteran house in in the works, this would be a centralized location on campus where people feel comfortable stopping by. The veteran community would be more than happy to help make this a reality!
    I would like to thank the many contributors to this resolution and hope this is seriously considered. Thank you!
    Logan R. Kenney
    J.D. Candidate | Class of 2021 | Cornell Law School
    Chair, University Assembly
    Pronouns: she, her