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Cornell University

UA R2 (2015-2016): Charter Change Aligning the University Assembly’s Role in a Judicial Administrator Search Process with Practice

Acknowledged by the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    November 5, 2015
  • Action:
    Acknowledged by the President
  • Summary / Notes:



  • File Attachments:
  • Text Attachment:

    Dear Matthew,

    Thank you for submitting UA Resolution 2 – “Charter Change Aligning the University Assembly’s Role in a Judicial Administrator Search Process with Practice.”

    I appreciate your efforts to resolve the discrepancy between the UA charter and the Campus Code regarding how many UA members are to be appointed to a Judicial Administrator search committee. I support your resolution – as submitted – to update the UA's charter to better reflect the current Judicial Administrator search process.

    I look forward to the work of the JA search committee, which includes the appointed members of the UA along with Vice President Ryan Lombardi, who will act as chair, and Wendy Tarlow from the Office of University Counsel.

    Thank you in advance for your efforts.


    Elizabeth Garrett