UA R23 (2017-2018): Recognition of Outstanding Support for the Campus Judicial System During the AY 2018 Legislative Session
Conveyed to the President
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- Resolution:
May 31, 2018
Conveyed to the President
Summary / Notes:
Dear President Pollack,
It is my pleasure to convey to you UA R23, "Recognition of Outstanding Support for the Campus Judicial System During the AY 2018 Legislative Session." This resolution is sponsored by Matthew Battaglia and can be found here: /resolutions/ua-r23-recognition-outstanding-support-campus-judicial-system-during-ay-2018-legislative
The resolution thanks the many members of the campus community who are committed to ensuring fairness in the campus judicial system. I am personally proud to join the resolution in thanking these distinguished individuals.
Thank you in advance for your time. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Gabriel D. Kaufman
Chair, University Assembly
Cornell University
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Text Attachment: