UA R24 (2017-2018): Finalizing Housekeeping Amendments to the Campus Code of Conduct
Introduced to the Assembly
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- Resolution:
May 29, 2018
Introduced to the Assembly
Summary / Notes:
Hi University Assembly 2017-2018,
I hope all is well and that we have been enjoying the end of the semester.
Background Information:
Per our final meeting, we resolved to formally vote to approve the CJC-approved code changes by email and we gave them a provisional, unanimous thumbs up at the last meeting. This was because the specific language of the resolution was not ready, but the code changes themselves were. As we all know, these code changes are the result of 30+ public CJC meetings, at least four UA meetings, and they incorporate the President's feedback from October, 2017.
Resolution #24 "Finalizing Housekeeping Amendments to the Campus Code of Conduct" can be found here:
The corresponding code changes are here:
Voting Instructions:
If you could please send Elena and me a vote of yes, no, or abstain on the Resolution 24 before Thursday, May 31 at 12:00pm, that would excellent. If passed, I will convey the resolution and the code changes before midnight that day. It would be unfortunate if we did not get this finished due to a lack of email responses, although I recognize and apologize for the short notice. The resolution will require 11 affirmative votes to pass. Also thanks to Matt for his hard work on this!
Thanks very much for your continued patience. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Have an excellent day!
Gabriel D. Kaufman
Cornell University | ILR School
c. 216.905.7467
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