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Cornell University

UA R24 (2020-2021): Making the UA Charter Gender-neutral

Conveyed to the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    May 14, 2021
  • Action:
    Conveyed to the President
  • Summary / Notes:


  • File Attachments:
  • Text Attachment:
    President Pollack,
    We have one additional charter change that passed through the UA. UA R24: Making the UA Charter Gender-neutral removes the terms "he" and “she” from our Charter, replacing them with “they.” This is to reflect and respect individuals whom do not use the aforementioned pronouns.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    Logan R. Kenney
    J.D. Candidate | Class of 2021 | Cornell Law School
    Chair, University Assembly
    Pronouns: she, her