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Cornell University

UA R6 (2020-2021): Maintaining the University Assembly's Jurisdiction Over the Code of Conduct

Conveyed to the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    December 9, 2020
  • Action:
    Conveyed to the President
  • Summary / Notes:


  • File Attachments:
  • Text Attachment:
    President Pollack,
    I am further conveying the passing of UA R6: Maintaining the University Assembly’s Jurisdiction Over the Code of Conduct (also attached). The UA voted to re-affirm its jurisdiction over the Codes and Procedures, with greater consultation with the Student Assembly (SA) and Graduate & Professional Student Assembly (GPSA). Echoing GPSA President Dunham, we ask that the Codes and Procedures remain independent documents reviewed by an independent, body, the UA, that does not oversee any office that makes decisions on student responsibility. The UA recognizes and appreciates the SA passing Resolution 19 and the GPSA passing Resolution 8.
    As each constituency includes unique individuals from all walks of life, I believe in the spirit of shared governance and recognize the wonderful work that the Codes & Judicial Committee and UA do through community-wide input and creative ideas. We would also be happy to collaborate with the administration in greater detail during drafting processes as we are incredibly grateful for the work from the Office of the University Counsel. Each of these resolutions have asked that a copy be provided to the Board of Trustees—I do hope this is something you will be willing to provide prior to the December 10 meeting. The UA is excited to continue working with the administration and only hopes that this collaboration will also include the codes and procedures. We do not wish to see the UA removed from this avenue of shared governance after 50-years of diligent service to the University as well as to the Campus (and now soon-to-be Student) Code.
    Please contact me with any questions or concerns. As this is our last passed resolution for this semester, I wanted to take a moment to thank the administration and constituent groups for the work accomplished this academic year. Things have certainly been difficult and I am proud to be a Cornellian.
    Logan R. Kenney
    J.D. Candidate | Class of 2021 | Cornell Law School
    Chair, University Assembly
    Pronouns: she, her